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Essay - The Teacher You Like Best রচনা - যে শিক্ষককে তুমি সবচেয়ে বেশি পছন্দ কর

Essay - The Teacher You Like Best  রচনা - যে শিক্ষককে তুমি সবচেয়ে বেশি পছন্দ কর Essay - The Teacher You Like Best Your Favourite Teacher (তোমার প্রিয় শিক্ষক) Introduction : Teachers are the nation builders. They give lesson to the young learners. They leave great impression 7 on the students. All the students owe to them for their soutstanding sincerity and devotion. The students fail to forget the teachers with whom they come in contact in the t course of their education life.   My Favourite teacher : In my student life, I have encountered many teachers. All of them are dear to me. C Among them I am highly attached with Md. Mujibur Rahman. He impresses me very much. I am always fascinated by his personality, character and behaviour. He is our Bengali teacher. I like him most.   Why I like him: I am highly fond of my favourite teacher. He has cultivated some ideals within me. He has successfully led my life to the path of perfection. I am highly indebted to h...

Essay - The Environment Pollution রচনা - পরিবেশ দূষণ

Essay - The Environment Pollution রচনা - পরিবেশ দূষণ Essay - The Environment Pollution Introduction : Bangladesh is a small country with growing problems. Among all problems, environment pollution is a great one. The problem is so acute in our country. It is going from bad to worse. All are getting concerned with this problem. For this problem we are in great danger.   Environment pollution: Environment pollution means the lack of balance among the elements of the environment. Causes : Environment pollution is a serious problem. Our environment is polluted mainly for four factors. Water pollution is one of them. Man pollutes water in many ways. They use chemical fertilizers in land. Chemical fertilizers pollute water. Industrial waste, human waste, natural calamities, unsafe drains and latrines, washing powder, water vehicles pollute water. Secondly is air pollution. Buses, trucks, brick-kilns, mills and factories produce smoke. This smoke pollutes air. Thirdly, is noise poll...

Essay - Terrorism in Educational Institutions রচনা - শিক্ষাপ্রতিষ্ঠানে সন্ত্রাসবাদ

Essay - Terrorism in Educational Institutions  রচনা - শিক্ষাপ্রতিষ্ঠানে সন্ত্রাসবাদ  Essay - Terrorism in Educational Institutions Introduction : Terrorism in educational institution in our country has become very rampant at present. It creates a dreadful situation for us. The educational institutions are like the flower gardens. Our future generation springs from here. But it is a matter of regret that our educational institutions have been highly threatened by this terrorism.  What is terrorism?: Terrorism means the way to get desired results through the use of threat or violence. It is intended to create fear and panic among the public to achieve the objectives.   Terrorism in educational institutions: At present terrorism has spread in our educational institutions like the webs of spiders. There prevails violence and terror in every institution. The ordinary students are terrified at the sparks of the arms and weapons. Anyone can seem that the students are...

Essay - Town Life/City Life রচনা - শহর জীবন / নগর জীবন

Essay - Town Life/City Life রচনা - শহর জীবন / নগর জীবন Essay - Town Life/City Life   Introduction : Town life/city life is very attractive. In fact, it is more attractive than village life. It is full of all modern facilities. It is well developed. It is decked. It charms everyone. Facility of houses: Almost all the buildings are brick-built in a town. The buildings are well furnished. Many of them are air-conditioned. People feel more happy here than in a village. Facility of education: There are many educational institutions in a town. There are well known schools and colleges. There may be a university in a town.   Facility of communication: A town has a good communication system. Buses, trains and taxis are available here. From here, one can easily go to any destination. It has good roads too. The roads are macadamized. There is no problem of mud here. There is a drainage system in a town. So, a town is free from water stagnation.   Facility of sanitation: ...

Essay - Duties of Student রচনা - ছাত্রজীবনের দায়িত্ব কর্তব্য

Essay - Duties of Student রচনা - ছাত্রজীবনের দায়িত্ব কর্তব্য Essay - Duties of Student Introduction : Student life means the period during which boys and girls learn education staying in school, college and other educational institutions. In this life students have to perform a lot of responsibilities. This life is the foundation of whole life. So this life should be passed in dutifulness. Importance of student life: Student life is the seed time of life. During this time, one can prepare for life. If a student cannot prepare well in this life, he has to suffer for the rest of life. These students can become the future hope and aspirations. Thus student life has great significance and importance.   Duties of students: Student life is a life of duty. The students cannot lead a carefree life. He has to do a lot. The utilization of this life will lead a student to the path of success and prosperity. The students have to work either in academic or non-academic sections. Study : ...

Essay - Students and Social Service রচনা - ছাত্র ও সমাজসেবা

Essay - Students and Social Service রচনা - ছাত্র ও সমাজসেবা Essay - Students and Social Service   Introduction : The part of our life that is spent in learning knowledge in formal institutions is called student life. It is the seed time of life. At this time, a student has to mould his life and character. Apart from his academic learning, a student should work for the welfare of his fellows living in society. Importance of student life: Student life is the most essential life for a student. A student has to take proper preparation for the struggle of life. If the students can not boost up their bases, they will fail to mould their lives smoothly. So, student life gives a man opportunity to shape his life.   Primary duty of a student: The primary duty of a student is 'to learn'. Study is the main obsession of a student. He has to complete his syllabus by learning properly. He has to learn discipline, truthfulness, sympathy, love and affection for the humanity.   ...

Essay - Students' Failure in English রচনা - ছাত্রছাত্রীদের ইংরেজিতে দুর্বলতা

 Essay - Students' Failure in English রচনা - ছাত্রছাত্রীদের ইংরেজিতে দুর্বলতা Essay - Students' Failure in English Introduction: English is an international language. To adjust with the modern developed world, we must lean English. English becomes a fearful subject to our students They are failing in English in their exams. Different causes are apparent for this massive failure.   Subconscious fear in English:  English is a foreign language. It is highly rich and dynamic. Definitely, it is difficult to learn a foreign language. This difficulty becomes higher if there is the lack of learning environment of tha language. Our students feel fear in learning English. These are ingrained within their mind so highly that they cannot come out of these fears. They lose heart when they think of reading this. They feel they have no capacity and power to acquire competency in English. This type of subconscious fear dissuades them to attend to English whole-heartedly Again, the p...