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Essay - Child Labour রচনা - শিশুশ্রম

Essay - Child Labour রচনা - শিশুশ্রম Essay - Child Labour Introduction : Bangladesh is a small country with growing problems. Among all problems, child labour is a great one. The problem has spread its evil clutch all over the country. It is going from bad to worse. All are getting concerned with this problem. Child labour : The labour done by a child is called child labour. It is increasing. It is very inhuman. It is disappointing. The children of poor families, the street children and the orphans are the victims of it. They are involved in many chores. They do domestic jobs. They work in industries, garment factories, hotels and in many other places. Many of them beg. Many break bricks. They also sell nuts, flowers, betel leaves, torn papers, clothes etc. Some glean plastic materials, torn shoes, torn paper etc. Many children polish boots. Sometimes they do risky jobs. Yet, they are unpaid. For money, they are often involved in illegal activities. They are used for smuggling and supp...

Essay - Bird Flue রচনা- বার্ড ফু

 Essay - Bird Flue রচনা- বার্ড ফ্লু  Essay - Bird Flue Introduction : Bangladesh is a small country with growing problems. Among all problems, bird flue is a great one. The problem is so acute in our country. It is going from bad to worse. All are getting concerned with this problem. For this problem, we are in great danger. Bird flue: Bird flue is a viral disease. The name of the virus is HSNI. It originated in Italy first. From there it spread in many countries. It spreads so quickly among other birds from the infected ones. Infected birds spread the virus in their saliva, nasal secretions and feces. Usually, flying birds like crows, pigeons, doves and kites help to spread the virus so speedily. Birds die soon after being infected. In a poultry farm all birds are infected if one is infected. The nearest ones get the virus so quickly. Thus the virus spreads and kills birds. Our domestic birds are in great danger for this virus. They are being killed. Effect on us: The disease...

A Fisherman / Life of a Fisherman in Bangladesh রচনা- বাংলাদেশে একজন জেলের জীবনযাপন

A fisherman / Life of a Fisherman in Bangladesh রচনা- একজন জেলে/ বাংলাদেশে একজন জেলের জীবনযাপন A Fisherman / Life of a Fisherman in Bangladesh Introduction : Bangladesh is a land of rivers. Here there are lots of tanks, ponds and canals. These are the sources of large number of fishes. The people who live on catching fishes are called fishermen. The life of a fisherman in our country is full of hardship and labour. He does a great deal to supply our protein on large scale. His physical appearance : A fisherman has to work hard. The job of fishing requires a lot condition is strong and powerful. He has large bones and inclement weather. He is bold and courageous muscles. He is stalwart and painstaking. He has to face and even seas. He has no sufficient net and fishing. His daily work: A fisherman catches fish in rivers, canals equipments. He has to borrow these from others or work with others on hire. His daily work starts early in the morning. His work continues till night. Sometimes ...

Essay - Arsenic Problem / Menace রচনা- আর্সেনিক সমস্যা

Essay - Arsenic Problem / Menace রচনা- আর্সেনিক সমস্যা Essay - Arsenic Problem Introduction: Bangladesh is a small country with growing problems. Among all problems, arsenic is a great one. The problem has spread its evil clutch all over the country. It is going from bad to worse. All are getting concerned with this problem.  What is arsenic ? : Arsenic is a brittle semi-metallic element. It is poisonous. It kills a man slowly. Where found: Arsenic is becoming an acute problem in Bangladesh. Many districts of the country are affected by the problem. The ground water is contaminated with arsenic. The tube-well water is also not safe. So, a crisis of drinking water is going on across the country. Finding no alternative, many people are still drinking arsenic mixed water.  Results : Everyday many people are affected by arsenic. Thousands of people have all ready been affected by it. Many have died. Many are suffering to die. This poison causes severe sore and black spots in fin...

Essay - A Visit to a Place of Historic Interest রচনা - একটি ঐতিহাসিক স্থান পরিদর্শন

 Essay - A Visit to a Place of Historic Interest রচনা - একটি ঐতিহাসিক স্থান পরিদর্শন Essay - A Visit to a Place of Historic Interest  Introduction: Visiting always tempts human beings. To see the unknown and to know the unknown is the inborn quality of man. He can get innumerable benefits from visiting the places of historic interests. These types of places are full of significance and importance. Importance of travelling historic places : Travelling of historic places does much benefit to us. It helps us to be acquainted with historic events. If we can go back to our past ancestors or happenings, it will increase our knowledge, give practical sense of places, people and things. Travelling in historic places also impresses our mind with vastness, grandeur, wonder and majesty. It also unfolds the mysterious past. Last week I got an opportunity to visit the historic Shatgambuz Mosque at Bagerhat. I got much pleasure visiting the famous architectural designs of these places. Shat...

Essay - A Village Fair রচনা - একটি গ্রাম্য মেলা

Essay - A Village Fair রচনা - একটি গ্রাম্য মেলা Essay - A Village Fair   Introduction : The fair means to meet together. A fair is a great attraction for the villagers. It creates the chance of meeting for the village people. A village fair is a tradition of the village.  What is a village fair ? : A village fair is a fair which is held in an open place either on the bank of a river or in the yard of a temple. It is held annually in a village. It is a large gathering. In keeping with the tradition, a village fair is arranged.  Occasion and duration of the fair: The village fair is held on the occasion of some religious festivals or Pahela Baishakh. It is also held on the death anniversary of any saint or to celebrate any age old day of historic importance etc. Generally a village fair lasts for a day or two. Sometimes it may last for seven or eight days together.  Gathering of the villagers: In a village fair, a lot of people gather together. The rich and the poor,...

Essay - A Village Doctor রচনা - একজন গ্রাম্য ডাক্তার

Essay - A Village Doctor  রচনা - একজন গ্রাম্য ডাক্তার Essay - A Village Doctor   Introduction : A village doctor is the man who treats the patients in the village. He is a familiar figure. His work is very important. The village people consult with him for their disease-related causes. His qualification : A village doctor is either S.S.C or H.S.C. After this, he completes LMAFP or other medical training. Sometimes he has to work under a qualified doctor for few years. He also gets training under him. Sometimes he takes part in training programmes organised either by the government or by the NGOs. In fact, a village doctor may be qualified or a quack.  His dispensary : The dispensary of the village doctor is either in his parlour and a room at the village market. His dispensary is not in rich condition. It has a table, a chair, one or two almirahs with a few phials of medicine and one or two benches for the patients. Sometimes he keeps daily newspapers in his chamber....