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Essay on The Freedom of The Press

Essay on The Freedom of The Press What's the freedom of the press? A press is the  hallmark of a free people. An independent well- informed press is a   important check on arbitrary governments and  reckless  directors. For  journals are  instrumentalities of hype which bring to the notice of the people acts of injustice or oppression or maladministration  that would  else have remained hidden down from public notice. Why is its freedom necessary? journals and  newspapers make a  veritably good  donation to the nation and the land so that they may  serve  relatively effectively and efficiently. Hence they earn freedom to  highlight the data and events impartially. A popular country can not run without  icing the freedom of the press. As we  know society through the eyes of the  intelligencers, we're thwarted to  know how  the inner happenings of the society are  brought around to light for necessary measures. What are the obstacles to get freedom of press? Currently, it's

Essay on Food Problem in Bangladesh

Essay on Food Problem in Bangladesh What's food problem? Food is a  introductory need and right of  mortal beings to keep alive. In Bangladesh, we've  numerous problems. Food problem is one of them. The problem is getting complex with the passage of time. Population of Bangladesh is  adding  at a high rate but food  product isn't  adding  proportionately giving rise to food  deficiency. Bangladesh has a huge population to feed. The adverse, land- man  rate is posing food problem and the problem is aggravating day by day. What are the causes of food problem? There are  numerous reasons for food problem. To supply food for the  adding  number of our people is a major issue. Every time, Bangladesh is losing 80 thousand hectares of its cultivable land due to  casing, setting up  diligence,  seminaries,  sodalities and hospitals, constructing roads and  roadways and other  structure development. Statistics show that if this rate continues.  Bangladesh will have no cultivable l

Essay on Food Adulteration or Food Contamination

Essay on Food Adulteration /Food Contamination Food Adulteration /Food Contamination What is the most notorious social crimes? One of the most notorious social crimes is food contamination- the most important health hazard. A lot of people start to  suppose about the question" What do we eat?"," Is that food safe?" The advantage of  ultramodern  wisdom has made it easy for those  culprits to introduce a lot of new  ways in food contamination. What are the pollutants? Before going to the  description of food contamination, let us see what  pollutants are. pollutants are chemical substances which shouldn't be contained within other substances,  potables, energies or fungicides for legal or other reasons.  pollutants may be  designedly added to  substances to reduce manufacturing costs, or for some deceptive or  vicious purpose. pollutants may also be accidentally or intentionally mingled with substances.   What is Food Adulteration? The addition of  pollu

Essay on Freedom of Speech

Essay on Freedom of Speech  What's Freedom of Speech? Freedom of speech is a fundamental right of the people in a democratic country. They  are free to express their  studies and  passions, their sentiments and grievances, their  requirements and demands as long as they don't infringe upon the  analogous rights of others. Centuries ago Rousseau said," Man is born free but  far and wide he's in chains." This  self-evident  protestation of the great social  scientist shows how enchained man was. In a slightly  swerved reflection, the  script remains  nearly the same yet  moment. Man's need for his freedom of speech is a  delinquent event in the history of  mortal civilization. Originally, man felt the fulfilment of his  introductory requirements. This continued hundreds of centuries. When feudalism reached serfdom, the freedom to speak for himself  presumably rose in man. The American  ranch labourers were the first to  rebellion speak for themselves to establis

Eassy on My First Day at College

Eassy on My First Day at College My First Day at College  Introduction: My first day at  college is a memorable day in my life. I had been earnestly  staying for that day for a long time, because I heard  numerous  effects about  college education from my elder sisters and neighbours who were college  scholars. I started feeling that they had the advantage of moving about with an air of superiority. At last, the long- sought day came. A new  palpitation began to  prompt me since morning to start for the place where the college stands. So, it was  relatively early when I reached the college. I was loitering hither and thither until I met a friend. He advised me to take down the routine which was displayed in the Notice Board. He showed me the Notice Board. I went there and took down the routine. It was the first thing that I had done on my first day at college. College Education System: I started to  witness that the system in the college was different from what I had been  oriented to

Environment Pollution Causes and Measures

Environment Pollution Environment Pollution Causes and Measures  Introduction: The thing which makes the world most  upset is  terrain pollution. Our  terrain comprises the  rudiments that  compass us. Air, water, the sun, the moon, rainfall, climate and everything fall under the  order of  terrain. terrain helps us survive. We get everything from nature to meet the need of our life. But this  terrain is  defiled and makes us too much  upset. adding pollution of our  terrain turns the world into an  residence of destruction. moment our  terrain is  defiled and pollution exerts  dangerous influence on our actuality. How does air get  defiled? The world is producing millions of tons of domestic rubbish and  poisonous artificial waste each time, and it's  getting decreasingly  delicate to find suitable  locales to get rid  of all the  garbage. The disposal of  colorful kinds of waste is seriously  contaminating the  terrain. We know that air is an important element of our  terrain an

Constitution & Powers of Criminal Courts and Offices

Constitution and Powers of Criminal Courts and Offices: Of the Constitution of Criminal Courts and Offices What are the Classes of Criminal Courts? Section 6: Classes of Criminal Courts:  (1) Besides the Supreme Court and the Courts constituted under any law for the time being in force, other than this Code, there shall be two classes of Criminal Courts in Bangladesh, namely:- a) Courts of Sessions; and b) Courts of Magistrates. 2) There shall be two classes of Magistrate, namely: a) Judicial Magistrate; and b) Executive Magistrate. 3) There shall be four classes of Judicial Magistrate namely:- a) Chief Metropolitan Magistrate in Metropolitan Area and Chief Judicial Magistrate to other areas; b) Magistrate of the first class, who shall in Metropolitan Area, be known as Metropolitan Magistrate, c) Magistrate of the second class; and d) Magistrate of the third class.  For the purpose of this sub-section, the word" Chief Metropolitan Magistrate" and" Chief Judicial Magistra