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The Parliament of the United States of America

The Parliament of the United States of America  US Parliament  The American Constitution vests the legislative powers of the federation in a bicameral legislature, known as the Congress. The Upper and Lower Chambers are called the Senate and the House of Representatives respectively. The legislative powers of both the chambers are co-equal, except that a Money Bill can only originate in the House of Representatives. But in, effect, the Senate is more powerful than the House. The Senate enjoys certain executive and judicial powers which the House does not. The Senate is not only more powerful than the House, but is also the most powerful Second Chamber in the world. The Senate of the U.S.A Term of Senate The Senators are elected for a term of six years one third retiring every two years. The retiring Senators are eligible for re-election. Rather, every good Senator is elected over again. There are numerous examples of persons remaining members of the Senate for over 18 years. The Sen

Provisions Relating to Amendment & Cancellation of Documents

Provisions Relating to Amendment & Cancellation of Documents Question: Discuss the provisions of the law relating to amendment of documents. Answer: Provisions related to amendment of documents: Amendment of a document is the correcting of a mistake to fulfill the real purpose of the parties to the contract. The provisions of the Act relating to the amendment of documents are within Sections 31 to Sections 34 of the Specific Relief Act have been discussed. According to section 31, in case of any contract where the document does not really express their intentions for fraud or due to mutual mistakes of the parties, either party or their representative may file a suit to amend the document and if the court finds it clearly proven that the document has been made by fraud or omission and it is not possible to determine the true motive of the parties in enforcing it, there the court may, in accordance with its discretionary power, amend the deed to the extent that it can be exercised

Characteristics of the Constitution of the United States of America

Characteristics of the Constitution of the United States of America Constitution of the United States The Constitution that emerged from the Philadelphia Convention was a model of draftsmanship, of linguistic style, of shortness and of apparent clarity. It is the oldest written Constitution in existence and the shortest of the Constitution of any other nation, except the Chinese. It contains only 4,000 words, occupying ten to twelve pages in print. The following are the fundamental characteristics of the Constitution. Essential Characteristics of the Constitution of the USA: 1. Federal Form of Government The delegates at the Philadelphia Convention met to find means for establishing an effective national government. At the same time there was no serious discussion in the Convention of proposals which might have lowered the dignity of the individual States. The Constitutional Basis of American Federalism: 1. The Constitution grants certain legislative, executive, and judicial powers

Background of the Constitution of the United States of America

Constitution of the United States of America Background of the Constitution of the United States of America: The Declaration of Independence: The Declaration of Independence is the first formal American state paper. It is not judicially enforceable, and it establishes no legal rights or duties. But the Declaration has had a decisive effect on the development of governmental system. It sets forth the ideals and reflects the standards of what might be called the American creed. This creed, with its stress on the rights of people, equality under the law, limited government, and government by consent of the governed, infuses the structures and practices of the Constitution. The Declaration of Independence remains the American conscience, a constant challenge to those who would subvert democratic processes or deny persons their inalienable rights. So long as the menace of the French and the Spaniards existed in North America these colonies meekly submitted to the dictates of the mother-c

Specific performance of the contract

Specific performance of the contract  Question: Which contracts can be enforced and which contracts cannot be enforced? Discuss with the relevant section & examples. For which reasons a Court can refuse to give a decree of specific performance of contract even though the contract is legal and Answer: Specific performance of the contract: When a party to a contract suffers irreparable loss due to a breach of contract for which financial compensation is not considered enough or adequate, then s/he can sue before the court to enforce the terms of the contract, this is called a specific performance of the contract. Where breach of contract causes loss to any of the parties of the contract, the relief of which is not considered enough, appropriate and adequate through financial compensation, there, as the financial compensation is not sufficient, the aggrieved party is allowed to claim specific performance of the contract as appropriate and legal relief Section 12 of the Specific Re

The Nature and Protection of Human Rights in the United Kingdom

The Nature and Protection of Human Rights in the United Kingdom: Human Rights  The video is concerned with the protection of human rights. The first task is to determine what is meant by human rights: there is a great deal of terminological inconsistency in this area with a number of terms frequently used- human rights, civil liberties- often referring to the same thing. For our purposes, human rights take two forms. On the one hand, there are the classical civil and political rights - the rights to liberty of the person, the rights to form political parties and to participate in elections, and the rights to freedom of conscience, religion and expression. On the other hand, there are social and economic rights - the right to employment, health care, housing and income maintenance during periods of ill health, unemployment or old age. Human rights lawyers have traditionally confined their concerns to the former category, to the exclusion of the latter even though social and economic se

Write short notes on the following topics Code of Civil Procedure

Write short notes on the following topics: 1. Decree and order: 2. Mesne Profits 3. Judgment debtor 4. Legal Representative 5. Cause of action 6. Res judicata: 7. Res Subjudice: 8. Substituted Service: 9. Pleadings 10. Amendment of pleadings; 11. Rejection of plaint 12. Set off 13. Ex-parte decree: 14. Issue 15. Local Investigation 16. Attachment before judgment 17. Receiver 18. Mandatory injunction 19. Inherent Power 1. Decree and order: Generally, the final order of a suit is called a decree. According to section 2(2) of the Code of Civil Procedure, decree means the formal expression of an adjudication, which conclusively determines the rights of the parties with regard to all or any of the matters in controversy in the suit. Decree determines the rights of the parties. Therefore, the order in which the rights of the parties are not determined, are not called a decree. Plaint is to be filed before the court to institute a suit. The defendant files a written statement after the