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Parliamentary Supremacy Sovereignty of Parliament in the United Kingdom

Parliamentary Supremacy or Sovereignty of Parliament in the United Kingdom  Parliamentary Supremacy Parliamentary sovereignty or the Sovereignty of Parliament, also Parliamentary supremacy, is the concept in the constitutional law of Westminster system that the Parliament has absolute sovereignty. This means it is supreme to all other governmental institutions including the monarch acting alone. This contrasts for example, with the situation in the United States, where the supreme court can rule legislation unconstitutional. The principle of parliamentary sovereignty originated in the United Kingdom in the 17th and 18th centuries during which time parliament asserted the right to name and depose a monarch. In 1648, Henry Herbert who was the 2nd Earl of Pembroke, famously commented while a member of the House of Lords said that "Parliament can do anything but makes man a woman and a woman a man." Parliamentary supremacy essentially takes its origin with the Bill of Rights 168

Res-subjudice & Res judicata

Res-subjudice & Res judicata Question a) What do you understand by res-subjudice and res judicata? When a suit pending before a court can be stayed? Answer: Res-subjudice: Res-subjudice means to stay a new suit the subject-matter of which is already pending in Court The Latin word res means matter and sub-judice means under trial. Therefore, the word res-subjudice means matter under trial. S 10 of the Code of Civil Procedure discusses with the doctrine of res-subjudice. The question of stay of trial of a suit may be raised in any special case, after the filing of the suit. Section 10 of the Code of Civil Procedure describes under what circumstances the trial of suit may be stayed. According to s 10 of the Code of Civil Procedure, where the parties and the sbject-matter of a previously instituted suit and the parties and the subject-matter of a sbsequently instituted suit are the same, the court my stay the subsequently instituted suit. However, if the previously instituted suit is

Separation of Powers Constitution of the United Kingdom

Separation of Powers - Constitution of the United Kingdom  Separation of Powers The concept of separation of powers is of great antiquity and can be attributed to Aristotle (384-322 BC); however, the clearest exposition of the doctrine can be found in Montesquieu 's De L' Espirit des Lois 1748.The essence of the doctrine of separation of powers is that there should be, a clear demarcation in function between the legislature, executive and judiciary in order that none should have excessive power and there should be in place a system of checks and balances between the institutions. The doctrine does not emphasis that there should be three institutions of the government each operating in isolation from each other. Indeed such an arrangement would be unworkable. If constitutional arrangements within a state are considered, a range of possibilities exists:  i. absolute power residing in one person or body exercising executive, legislative and judicial powers: no separation of power

Jurisdiction of Courts - Court of Lowest Grade Competent to Try

Jurisdiction of Courts What do you understand by the jurisdiction of court? Every suit shall be instituted in the court of lowest grade competent to try it- discuss mentioning the relevant laws. Jurisdiction of a court: Jurisdiction of a court means such power of a court, based upon which the court may take cognizance, dispose, order and enforce the judgment by executing a decree. Every suit shall be instituted in the court of lowest grade competent to try it- According to s.15 of the Code of Civil Procedure, every suit shall be instituted in the court of lowest grade competent to try it. S.15 describes the general principle of filing the suit in a court. However, to determine the court of lowest grade competent to try it, the pecuniary jurisdiction of the court is to be taken into account. Because, the court of lowest grade is to be determined by the pecuniary jurisdiction of the court. Example- The court of lowest grade competent to try a suit valuing up to 15 lac taka is the Assist

Sources of the Constitution of the United Kingdom

Sources of the Constitution of the United Kingdom Sources of the Constitution Under the Constitution of UK, there has traditionally been no comprehensive single document which sets out the general principles of political governance. To give meaning to the constitution as a whole, it is necessary to study the many fundamental documents, statutes and cases along with the non-legal conventional rules. It is, however, convenient to classify the sources, broadly under two heads, namely, legal and non-legal sources. Legal sources imply those sources provisions coming from which are enforceable by an order of the court; non-legal sources imply those sources provisions. coming from which are not enforceable by an order of the court. Legal Sources Statutes: This is law created by Parliament. Acts of Parliament are approved by the Lords, Commons and the Monarchs, they gain the force of law, and are then implemented by the executive and enforced by the courts. Any law that involves constituti

The Stages of a Civil Suit

Discuss the stages of a civil suit. The Stages of a Civil Suit The judiciary of Bangladesh follows the adversarial system. There are two contesting parties, namely, plaintiffs and defendants. Court plays a non-partisan role. The proceedings of a civil suit are controlled by the Code of Civil Procedure. The stages of a civil suit are divided into three parts: 1. Pre-trial stage 2. Trial stage 3. Post-trial stage Pre-trial Stage: The stages of pre-trial stage are stated below: 1. Filing of a suit and forming the plaint: According to s.26 and rule-1 of order 4 of the Code of Civil Procedure, every civil suit is filed by the presentation of plaint. Court may return the plaint under rule 10 of order 7 where the suit is filed in the wrong court. Again, if the conditions of rule 11 order 7 are not fulfilled, court may reject the plaint. 2. Issue of summons: Issue of summons is the next step after filing of the plaint. Summons may be issued in two steps, i.e. by the serving officer or ser

Characteristics of the Constitution of the United Kingdom

Characteristics of the Constitution of the United Kingdom Unitary constitution: The United Kingdom constitution was traditionally described as unitary as opposed to federal or confederal. Devolution and other constitutional reforms introduced since the election of 1997 have led, however, to the suggestion that the constitution should now be described as quasi-federal." A union of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland constitute the United Kingdom. The state for the purpose of international relation is the United Kingdom. Unwritten constitution: The British constitution basically is an unwritten nature. There is no single document in UK which can be said to contain the general principles of political governance. The laws of the British constitution contain statute law, common law, custom and constitutional conventions. Some of the principles of the British Constitution are contained in formally unrelated Acts of Parliament, such as the Act of Settlement, 1700 and the Parl