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6 Reasons Why You Should Think of Purchasing Life Insurance

6 reasons why you should think of purchasing  life insurance There are a number of reasons why you should buy insurance. To ensure financial security for yourself and the ones you care about you take decision of purchasing insurance is for all about . Why life insurance is essential, and who need it are vital things to know.  Why is life insurance important for you? Life insurance will certainly give protection to your spouse and children from the potentially devastating financial losses that may result if something unsavoring happens to you. It will certainly give you financial security, helps you to pay off debts, helps you to pay living expenses, and helps you to pay any medical or final expenses. Life insurance provides cash if you need it most. Your life insurance policy can deliver a specified sum of money in case you need it. Your family will receive your policy payout immediately upon your death. Moreover, that death benefit is generally not under federal income taxes. As for

Why is Travel Insurance Important

Why is travel insurance important? Travel insurance Travel insurance is important as it protects a person from unexpected bills that may cause problems on holiday. Events that are beyond your control can cause difficulties with your holiday plans and could leave you seriously out of pocket. Medical costs alone may amounts to beyond your reach when you’re abroad. I like to give you an idea that medical treatment for a stomach bug in the USA and flights back to the UK could cost as much as £100,000 and if you do not have travel insurance, you’d have to cover those costs yourself. The right travel insurance policy can give you peace of mind that you’re protected while away necessitating you for medical treatment, repatriation, holiday cancellation and lost or stolen baggage and more. What does travel insurance cover? What’s typically covered by travel insurance? Lost baggage – In case your baggage and belongings are lost, stolen or damaged during your trip, loss of baggage cover will

A Comprehensive Guide to Progressive Insurance

A Comprehensive Guide to Progressive Insurance. Quotes, Claims, Reviews, Auto Insurance, and Contact Information of Progressive Insurance. Progressive Insurance: Progressive Insurance is one of the leading insurance providers in the United States,  which offers a wide range of insurance products and services, Progressive Insurance offers auto insurance also. As it is a customer-oriented company, Progressive aims at making the insurance process simple and stress-free  as much as possible. This article will give you such vital information as you may require today or  some other day regarding Progressive Insurance which includes how to get a quote, file a claim, read customer reviews, and contact the company. Progressive Insurance Quotes: It is very quick and easy to get a quote from Progressive Insurance. What you are  advised to do is that You can either visit their website or download the Progressive mobile app in order to obtain a personalized quote. There you simply enter your d

What is the difference between an attorney and a lawyer

What is the difference between an attorney and a lawyer. Attorney vs. Lawyer:  Characteristics between Attorney and Lawyer: What Are the Differences? There are many satisfying and challenging careers in the legal industry. Two common functions in legal field are that of an attorney and a lawyer. Though these positions have some similarities, there are several prime differences between them. In this article, we are going to discuss the differences between an attorney and a lawyer, and we procure additional legal professions you may be interested in pursuing. Who is an attorney? An attorney is a man or woman who has graduated from law school and passed the bar exam in the country in which they practice law. An attorney takes the role of a legal representation for his clients in a court of law. Extra duties of an attorney may include explaining the meaning of federal and state laws, applying his knowledge of the law to meet the demands of his clients and keeping careful records outlini

বার কাউন্সিল বাংলাদেশ জুডিসিয়াল সার্ভিস কমিশন লিখিত পরীক্ষার প্রস্তুতি পর্ব ৯ Part 9

বার কাউন্সিল ও বাংলাদেশ জুডিসিয়াল সার্ভিস কমিশন লিখিত পরীক্ষার প্রস্তুতি পর্ব ৯ Part 9 প্রশ্ন: নিম্নবর্ণিত পরিস্থিতিতে ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত পক্ষ যে প্রতিকার পেতে পারেন তা সংশ্লিষ্ট আইন উল্লেখপূর্বক আলোচনা করুন: ক. মামলা শুনানীর নির্ধারিত তারিখে বিবাদী উপস্থিত কিন্তু বাদী উপস্থিত না থাকায় মামলা খারিজ হলে। খ. মামলা শুনানীর তারিখে অসুস্থতার কারণে বিবাদী অনুপস্থিত থাকায় বাদীর অনুকূলে একতরফা ডিক্রী হলে। গ. বাদীর অনুকূলে মামলার ডিক্রী হওয়ার পর আদালতের প্রস্তুতিকৃত ডিক্রীতে ভুল থাকলে। ঘ. বিবাদীর জবাব সংশোধনের দরখাস্ত নামঞ্জুর হলে। - বিজেএস পরীক্ষা, ২০১০। উত্তর: ক. মামলা শুনানীর নির্ধারিত তারিখে বিবাদী উপস্থিত কিন্তু বাদী উপস্থিত না থাকায় মামলা খারিজ হলে। মোকদ্দমা খারিজের ক্ষেত্রে ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত বাদীর প্রতিকার: মোকদ্দমা শুনানীর নির্ধারিত তারিখে বিবাদী উপস্থিত কিন্তু বাদী উপস্থিত না থাকায় দেওয়ানী কার্যবিধির ৯ আদেশের ৮ বিধির অধীন মোকদ্দমাটি খারিজ হলে, সংক্ষুব্ধ বাদী- i. মোকদ্দমা খারিজ আদেশ বাতিলের জন্য ৯ আদেশের ৯ বিধির অধীন আবেদন করতে পারে; বা ii. মোকদ্দমা খারিজ আদেশটি সরাসরি বাতিলের জন্য ৯ আদেশের ৯ক

An Essay - Dignity of Labour রচনা - শ্রমের মর্যাদা

An Essay - Dignity of Labour Dignity of Labour Introduction: There is a good saying, "Life is short, but art is long." We are surrounded with work and we have to cross a long path full of our duties and work. The sun, the moon, the stars and the the group of stars are moving on and on. Similarly every living being from tiny insect to the large elephant is working for their existence and growth. We take lessons from nature, nature is not still. Man is moving with the passage of time to the endless journey. Importance of labour: All of us  know that industry is the mother of good luck. Allah has provided us hands to work with. The great souls of the world used to do their work with their hands. We have our needs, hunger and dreams for prospect. We have to earn money to meet the cost of our daily necessaries. Labour occupies our work ranging from the space to the deep sea. Without labour, we would not have food, clothes and shelter. But a man should undergo labour honestly and

An Essay - Democracy রচনা - গণতন্ত্র

An Essay - Democracy Democracy Introduction : Democracy is a system of government where the citizens enjoy the ultimate power. It is a political system  enabling people to freely choose an effective, honest, transparent and accountable government. It is based on the idea that people have to only obey laws if they had helped in making the government whether directly or indirectly. What is democracy: Democracy is a system of ruling the country according to people's will. Free and fair election is the most vital precondition for democracy. In a country where democracy really exists, all the people enjoy equal rights of basic human requirements. They enjoy freely the rights of food, cloth, shelter, education, medical treatment and other facilities. Freedom of speech, press and religion is ensured for all. Abraham Linclon, the late President of the USA has defined democracy as "Government of the people, by the people and for the people." It signifies that in democracy public