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Kinds of Sentences English Grammar Lesson

Definition of Sentences and Kinds of Sentence: Sentences can be categorised into five categories, based on their meaning or function. They are as follows: Assertive Sentence Interrogative Sentence Imperative Sentence Optative Sentence Exclamatory Sentence What is an Assertive Sentence: An assertive sentence is a kind of sentence which expresses statement, and this is statement can be both affirmative or negative form. Pattern assertive sentence: Subject + verb + object (complement/adverb/ adjective) Example of assertive sentence: -English is an International Language. (If it is an affirmative assertive sentence) -We never hate him. (Negative) -Everybody should do his own duty. (Modal auxiliaries) What is an Interrogative Sentence: An interrogative sentence is a kind of sentence which we use to ask question recording person or thing. At the end of interrogative sentence there is always question mark (?). Interrogative sentences are of two types, one type of question is yes/no questio

English grammar quiz 2 ইংলিশ গ্রামার কুইজ ২

 English grammar quiz 2 ইংলিশ গ্রামার কুইজ ২ English grammar quiz questions: In this English grammar quiz video you will be asked the first question what the first letter of the first word of a sentence might be, your be a capital letter, because with the capital letter of the first word of a sentence starts.   The second English grammar question quiz which is asked in this video in English grammar is what the order of a basic sentence is if the sentence is a positive one. Your answer would be subject verb object. In writing any sentence we follow this pattern if it is a positive sentence.   Third English grammar question quiz that will be asked in this video is the name of the parts of speech after subject. Your answer would be after the subject we use a verb and object. Every sentence must have a subject and an object. In the fourth English grammar question quiz you will be asked what a plural subject needs. Your answer would be a plural subject needs a plural verb. In English g

English grammar quiz 1 ইংলিশ গ্রামার কুইজ ১

 English grammar quiz 1 ইংলিশ গ্রামার কুইজ ১ ইংলিশ গ্রামার কে আরো ভালভাবে বুঝার জন্য ইংলিশ গ্রামার কুইজ তৈরি করা হয়েছে। ইংলিশ গ্রামার কুইজ১ ইংলিশ গ্রামার দরকার নাই এমন লোক পৃথিবীতে কমই আছে। যদি আপনি লেখাপড়া করেন, চাকরি করেন, ব্যবসা-বাণিজ্য করেন, বিদেশ করেন বা সম্ভ্রান্ত পরিবারের কেউ হন, তাহলে ইংরেজি জানাটা আপনার জন্য অনেকটাই গুরুত্বপূর্ণ। অন্যান্য ভাষা যেমন জানবো, তেমনি ইংরেজি ভাষাটা জানা এ কারণে দরকার যে, এই ভাষা ছাড়া আমরা বাইরের পৃথিবীর সাথে কোন যোগাযোগ করতে পারব না। ইংলিশ গ্রামার কে আরও ভালভাবে বুঝার জন্য এই ভিডিওতে ইংলিশ গ্রামার কুইজ নিয়ে প্রশ্ন-উত্তর করা হয়েছে। যে সমস্ত ইংলিশ গ্রামার এর উপর আলোচনা হয়েছে তার মধ্যে এডজেকটিভ নিয়েই মূলত এখানে আলোচনা করা হয়েছে। ক্রমান্বয়ে বিভিন্ন পার্টস অফ স্পিচ নিয়ে ইংলিশ গ্রামার কুইজ তৈরি করা হবে। প্রথমে একটি সেন্টেন্স দেওয়া থাকবে এবং সেই সেন্টেন্সে একটি অংশ শূন্যস্থান থাকবে। সেই শূন্যস্থানে কোন শব্দটি বসবে তার জন্য দুটি বা তিনটি ক্লু দেওয়া থাকবে। ক্লু থেকে আপনাকে সিদ্ধান্ত নিতে হবে কোন শব্দটি উপযুক্ত স্থানে বসবে। এখানে ক্লুগুলি মূলত ই

Passage Narration Direct Speech to Indirect Speech

 Passage Narration Direct Speech to Indirect Speech HSC English second paper narration This video is filmed about passage Narration that the student have to face in the examination in their English 2nd paper who are studying HSC or intermediate level. In the syllabus of HSC students and intermediate students, there is English 2nd paper which is comprised of several questions out of which they have to attempt all the questions correctly. In one of the questions, there is a item of Narration. The total number of narration is 5. In the HSC English 2nd paper, narration which is given in the examination is a passage narration. There are certain rules in doing passage narration. In order to transform the sentences from direct speech to indirect speech in the passage Narration, the rules are very important for the students of HSC and intermediate if they want to make a very good result in the examination. In this video I have discussed all the rules of passage Narration so that students

Correction of sentences part 2 English compulsory non-credit

 Correction of sentences part 2 English compulsory non-credit Honours 2nd year non-credit English This video is filmed for those students who are studying Honours 2nd year in any public University like Dhaka University, National University and others. In the syllabus of arts faculty and science faculty, there is one subject which is called English compulsory. Students have to pass the English compulsory subject and the number will not be added to their Honours result score but the marks will be added in the result sheet if the marks is higher than 80 numbers. Why it it is important to pass the examination of English compulsory subject. There is a system of 2nd year Honours course that this English compulsory subject have to be passed to test the student's ability of understanding English, writing English and speaking English. In this video I have arranged sentences which are incorrect and I have attempted to make the sentences corrected according to grammatical rules. There ar

Correction of sentences compulsory English honours 2nd year

 Correction of sentences compulsory English honours 2nd year Non-credit English Compulsory Correction of sentences is one of the main items of English compulsory prescribed for Honours 2nd year non credit subject. If you are studying Honours 2nd year from any university of Bangladesh, specially public universities like Dhaka University, National University and others, you have to sit for examination of English compulsory which is a non credit subject. In the previous video, I have discussed about the syllabus of English compulsory, in other words, compulsory English, honours 2nd year. Detailed syllabus of compulsory English has been discussed in the previous video. I hope you will watch the video to get an idea of English compulsory non-credit for Honours 2nd year. Have discussed about the item of correction of sentences In this video, I have discussed about the item of correction of sentences. There will be seven sentences which will be given incorrectly. What you have to do i

What is parts of speech

 What is parts of speech and what is the function of parts of speech in English sentence All you know about Parts of Speech from watching this video. You know there are eight parts of speech traditionally. Watch in modern English grammar, there are 9 parts of speech, the inclusion of determiners in the already existing 8 parts of speech. The function of each word and the rule of each word in a English sentence categorise the words in two different parts of speech. Each word of English sentence is consisting of one of the 9 parts of the speech. Which example of each part of speech, the total 9 parts of speech have been discussed and elaborated in this video.  I hope, if you watch the full video on parts of speech that is presented here, you will get a detailed idea about the parts of speech in English grammar. This video is a part of English Grammar presented from Doctor Maleka University College as online class. So let's have a look at the video thank you Shameem Sarwar shameem.s