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Showing posts with the label The Cabinet and the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

The Cabinet and the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom

The Cabinet and the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Privy Council and Cabinets The consultative and advisory functions formerly belonged to the Privy Council. Now they are exercised by a small group of Ministers known as the Cabinet. The Cabinet grew as an inner Council within the Privy Council, and members possess the exclusive right to advise the King, and are known to the law as the Privy Councilors. But as body, the Cabinet is not recognized either by the common law or statute law and the rules which regulate its working as well its relation with the Crown or the Parliament are entirely based on conventions. Growth of the Cabinet In its origin the Cabinet was an informal committee selected at his pleasure by the King from the larger body of the Privy Council to advise him in the work of the Government. At first their members were not necessarily members of the legislature, and they were responsible to the King alone. The Cabinet system was definitely adopted by Charles II....