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Showing posts with the label Judiciary in the United Kingdom - Civil Courts & Criminal Courts in UK

Judiciary in the United Kingdom - Civil Courts & Criminal Courts in UK

Judiciary in the United Kingdom - Civil Courts & Criminal Courts in UK Civil Courts in UK Magistrates' Court: Magistrates' Court are the inferior criminal courts in England. In addition to their criminal jurisdiction, they exercise certain family law, administrative law and minor civil functions. Now the magistracy is regulated by the Justice of the Peace Act, 1979 and the Magistrates' Court Act, 1980. These are the real identity of UK courts. Magistrates of two types Historically Kings and Queens in England were interested to resolve disputes. One of the unique feature was of the UK court system is the justices of the peace. 1. Justice of the peace The history of the justices of the peace as a judicial officer can be traced to the Justices of the Peace Act of 1361. In the 19th century their judicial functions were extended as the some offences becoming triable by petty sessions and with the establishment and development of matrimonial jurisdiction. The antiquity of ...