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History of the British Constitution

HISTORY OF THE BRITISH CONSTITUTION The British Constitution The constitutional laws of the United Kingdom is comprised of documents of many hundreds years old and they are still being added to in the present day. The evolution of a constitution arose from conflicts of authority between kings, popes, barons and common people. The first events in this development were noted in England. Before the Norman Conquest: The Kingdom of England was made in the mid 9th Century and what is now recognized as being England came about in 927 when the last of the Heptarchy kingdoms fell under the control of the English King. Until 1066 England was ruled by head of stated that were elected by the witan. There were a lot of elements of democracy at a local level too. This ended with the Norman Conquest. The Norman Conquest: King Harold was the last Anglo-Saxon king. From William I onwards the rulers of England have all came down from a variety of foreign citizens. The Normans brought in absolutist mona...