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Showing posts with the label Exclusion of Jurisdictions of Civil Courts

Video Article in English Grammar Series Definite Indefinite articles

Exclusion of Jurisdictions of Civil Courts

The exclusion of jurisdiction of a civil court to entertain civil cases Question: The exclusion of jurisdiction of a civil court to entertain civil cases should not be readily inferred- evaluate the statement in the light of section 9 of the Code of Civil Procedure. Answer: The exclusion of jurisdiction of a civil court to entertain civil cases should not be readily inferred. Section 4 read with section 9 of the Code of Civil Procedure, implies that although a civil court has jurisdiction to try all kinds of civil suits, if anything otherwise is mentioned in a special law and that law prescribes any jurisdiction to try any civil matter, then that special law should be followed. The general provision is, a civil court shall try all suits of civil nature. However, it should not be considered that the mere presence of any exclusion clause in a special law shall exclude the jurisdiction of a civil suit. If the jurisdiction of civil court is barred, the court is empowered to decide taking