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Video Article in English Grammar Series Definite Indefinite articles

Law & Government

Category >>Law & Government 


1. History of British Constitution

2. Why doesn't the United Kingdom have a Written Constitution

3. Characteristics of the Constitution of the United Kingdom

4. Separation of Powers - Constitution of the United Kingdom

5. Parliamentary Supremacy or Sovereignty of Parliament in the United Kingdom 

6. Rule of Law - Constitution of UK - Separation of Powers

7. The European Community, The European Union and the European Parliament

8. The UK Parliament 

9. Privileges of the British Parliament

10. The Cabinet and The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom 

11. Government Ministerial Responsibility in the United Kingdom

12. The British Crown & the Crown's Prerogatives 

13. The Judiciary of the United Kingdom - Civil & Criminal Courts in UK

14. Nature and Protection of Human Rights in the United Kingdom 

15. Background of the Constitution of The United States of America

16. Characteristics of the Constitution of The United States of America

17. Parliament of The United States of America

18. President - The Executive of The United States of America

19. State Government and Administration of the USA

20. Court System of the USA 


1. Insurance Law and Policy

2. Boat and Yacht Insurance 

3. What is Condo Insurance

4. What is Renters' insurance

5. Car/Auto Insurance Details

6. Home Insurance Details 

7. Essential insurance cover

8. What are the 10 Ways to Get Cheap Car Insurance in Australia

9. 100 Frequently Insurance Questions Asked by Insurers

10. Top 10 Insurance Companies in Malaysia

11. Best Life Insurance Providers in UK

12. Top 12 Insurance Companies in Bangladesh

13. Best Life Insurance Policies in India

14. 10 Best Life Insurance Companies in Canada

15. 10 Largest Insurance Companies in Australia

16. How to Choose the Best Life Insurance Company

17. Different Types of Life Insurance

18. 12 Best Life Insurance Companies in the USA

19. 6 Types of Car Insurance Policy Coverages

20. How to Get Health Insurance Policies

21. 6 Reasons Why You Should Think of Purchasing a Life Insurance

22. Why is Travel Insurance Importance?

23. A Comprehensive Guide to Progressive Insurance

Subcategories>>Code of Civil Procedure 1908

1. Civil procedure & its Brief History - A law practitioner should know

2. Subordination of Courts & Constitution of Civil Court

3. Jurisdiction of Civil Courts

4. What is Res Sub Judice & What is Res judicata?

5. Place of Civil Suits in Details

6. Transfer of Suit, section : 22-24 of Civil Procedure Code

7. How to Institute a Civil Suit in a Civil Court

8. What do you understand by suit of civil nature? How does a party file a suit?

9. The exclusion of jurisdiction of a civil court to entertain civil cases

10. The Stages of a Civil Suit

11. Jurisdiction of Courts. Appellate Jurisdiction 

12. Res-subjudice & Res judicata

13. What is Pleadings? When and why a pleadings can be amended?

14. Return of Plaint and Rejection of Plaint in Civil Suit

15. What is Set off? What is Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR)? what are the Services of Summons?

16.What is Ex-parte Decree? Discuss about Issue of Fact and Issue of Law

17. Granting Adjournments to Party Consequences of Absence in Civil Cases

18. Modes of Execution of Decree

19. Provisions Relating to Arrest and Detention by Civil Courts

20. Rules Pertaining to Attachment Before Judgement 

21. Provisions Relating to Ad interim Injunction or Temporary Injunction 

22. Provisions Relating to Appointment, Powers, Duties and Removal of a Receiver

23. Rules on Appeal Revision Review & Power of Appellate Court 

24. Inherent Powers of Civil Courts 

25. Write Short Notes on the Following Topics - Civil Procedure Code 

26. Questions on Specific performance of contract

27. Questions on Amendment of Documents and Cancellation of Documents

28. Provisions relating to Declaratory Suit - Specific Relief Act

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