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HSC English First Paper English For Today - Unit 12 Lesson 2 The Greta Effect

Degree 3rd Year

ডিগ্রি তৃতীয় বর্ষের ইংরেজি আবশ্যিক বিষয়ের পরীক্ষার প্রস্তুতির জন্য শামীম স্যারের ইউটিউব ভিডিও দেখতে এই লিংকে ক্লিক করো।

Degree (Pass) 3rd year - Department of English, Doctor Maleka College, Dhanmondi Dhaka

Degree 3rd year English compulsory Model Test Solution

Degree pass course students of BA, BSS, BBS and BSc Courses under National University of Bangladesh who are now in the 3rd year must prepare themselves for English compulsory subject (code 121101). But sometimes it's very hard task for the degree pass course students to cover all the English compulsory items and most of them are not sure about the question types and syllabus altogether. Moreover they sometimes face a lot of difficulties in solving questions of Part A and Part B and preparing themselves for the Degree 3rd year English compulsory examination. Here is my effort to guide these students and provide them with necessary information and solve the questions depending on the Model Tests that I set forth here.

Out of 80 marks, here you will find 30 marks of part A and part B. Par C is for 50 marks and that is freehand writing which you can practise freehand writing from any other source.

So let's begin....

Model Test 1

Degree Pass and Certificate Course Examination
English Compulsory
BA, BSS, BBS and BSc
Degree 3rd year
Subject Code:121101
Total: 80   Time:3 Hours and 30 minutes

Part: A (1x10-10 Marks)

1. Read the passage and answer the questions below:

Patriotism means the love for one's own country. It is a noble virtue. It removes all sorts of meanness from human mind and makes it broad. Patriotism inspires a man to shed last drop of blood to defend the freedom of his country A man without this quality is no better than a beast. A true patriot is honoured by all. His only aim is to promote the welfare of his country and countrymen. He always remembers a wise saying. "Mother and motherland are superior to heaven. There are some traitors. They always try to destroy the glory of the country for self-interest. Really, they are the slur to the country as well as to mankind. They die a negligible death. Nobody mourns for them. True patriotism is beneficial to all. It brings happiness and prosperity to the nation. A true patriot has a broad and liberal outlook. He hates none. For the development of his country, he works day and night. For his own interest, he takes little care. But narrow nationalism is not the sign of a true patriot. It is dangerous and sentimental. It leads to conflict with other nations. It acts like germs. It spolis the happy atmosphere of the country. Bangladesh needs the services of true patriots. But only patriotism is not enough. We should serve our country to the best of our ability. We must have a cosmopolitan part. We should love all without any distinction between caste and creed.

A Answer the questions below:  1×4=4

(i) What does patriotism do?
(ii) Why is narrow nationalism dangerous?
(iii) How does patriotism act upon a man's mind?
(iv) What are the qualities of a true patriot?

B. Write down the meaning of the following words in English and make your own sentences with the base words:     1x6-6

meanness, traitor, slur. beneficial, conflict, cosmopolitan.

Part: B (4x5-20 Marks) 

(Answer any five questions)

2.Change the following words as directed and make sentences with the changed words:

decision (v), courage (adj). cage (v), mother (adj).

3. Supply a suitable word to fill in the blank in each of the following sentences :

(a) An addicted man is --- a beast.
(b) I shall sit------the exam this year.
(c) One should do----duties.
(d) A terrible car accident happened ---me.

4. Use the right form of verbs within brackets:

(a) They are used to (eat) rice thrice.
(b) If you had studied regularly, you (pass) the exam.
(c) If only I (be) a millionaire.
(d) He will get the work (do) in time.

5. Write down the antonyms of the following words and make sentences with those antonyms:

natural, kind, destroy, idle.

Or, Add suffix or prefix to the following words and make sentences with the new words:

joy, trust, decent, balance.

6. Frame Wh-questions from the following sentences :

(a) Dinajpur is my birth place.
(b) We had to be careful lest the news should become known to all.
(c) I have been waiting for three hours.
(d) The students answered the question confidently.

7. Rearrange the following words to make sentences :

(a) was an Italy in poet staying English
(b) an received he letter unpaid friend a from
(c) nothing letter the important contained it in
(d) was poet at the annoyed this

8. Punctuate the following passage:

dhaka the capital of bangladesh has its own attractions it is especially famous for its mosques and monuments both old and new the old ones are as attractive as the new ones

9. Translate the following passage into English

উত্তর আমেরিকার উত্তর-পূর্বকোণে গ্রীনল্যান্ড নামে একটি দ্বীপ আছে। এই দ্বীপে এত ঠান্ডা যে এই স্থানে সমুদ্রের জল জমিয়া বরফ হয়। এ সকল দেশে ছয় মাস সূর্য দেখা যায় না। সে ছয় মাস এক প্রকার আলোক আকাশে দেখা যায়। ইহাই প্রসিদ্ধ সাদা ভালুকের দেশ এবং এখানে যে জাতি বাস করে তাদেরকে এস্কিমো বলে।

Part: C (5x10=50 Marks)

(Answer any five questions)

10. Write a paragraph on any one of the following:

(a) Environment Pollution, (b) Patriotism.

11. Write a report on the freshers' reception of your college.

12. Write a letter to your friend informing him how you spent the summer vacation in your village.

13. Write an application to your Principal for permission to stage a drama.

14. Write an essay on any one of the following:

(a) Vision 2021, (b) Empowerment of Women.

15. Amplify the idea (any one) :

(a) A Stitch in Time Saves Nine.
(b) A Little Learning is a Dangerous Thing.

16. Write a dialogue between two friends on learning communicative English.

17. (i) Write a poster to raise awareness against swine flu.

(ii) Write an advertisement for a private tutor.

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