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Showing posts from March 12, 2025

Essay - The Importance of Library রচনা লাইব্রেরির গুরুত্ব

Essay - The Importance of Library রচনা - লাইব্রেরির গুরুত্ব Essay - The Importance of Library Introduction : Library satisfies the knowledge hunger of man. It offers knowledge and wisdom. It is always ready for the knowledge hunters. It also beckons them. It has lasted the human wisdom within its heart.   What is library? A library is a collection of books of various kinds. The word library comes from the Latin word 'libre' which means a book. In the ordinary sense we know library means a house where books are kept for use by the readers. It is the greatest temple of wisdom. It is a gateway to gain infinite knowledge surrounded by finite.   Kinds of library: There are two kinds of library such as private or personal and public. The private library is an individual possession. It satisfies the individual's thirstiness of knowledge. The public library is for all types of people. All people such as rich and poor, high and low, child or old can suck knowledge from publ...

Essay - The Rainy Season রচনা: বর্ষাকাল

Essay - The Rainy Season রচনা: বর্ষাকাল  Essay - The Rainy Season Introduction : Bangladesh is a land of natural beauties. The variation of season contributes to enhance its dazzling beauties. Six seasons come in this country with their own specialties. The rainy season is one of the famous seasons in this country. This season comes with far reaching effects on our life and nature.  Causes of rain : The Bengali months Ashar and Shravan are the duration of rainy season. But sometimes this season begins from the middle of Jaista and lasts to the middle of Badra. This rain comes with the south-east monsoon that blows over Bangladesh from the Bay of Bengal. In summer, the tremendous heat of the sun vapors water in ponds, rivers and canals. The vapors float in sky and condense into clouds and causes rain.  Description : During rainy season, the sky is covered with black clouds. Violent blasts of wind blows and lighting flashes. The sun can not be seen. Some times it drizzles a...

Essay - The College Magazine রচনা - কলেজ সাময়িকপত্র

Essay - The College Magazine রচনা - কলেজ সাময়িকপত্র Essay - The College Magazine Introduction : The college magazine is a magazine which is published annually. It contains poems, novels, dramas, short stories etc. It is a part of the students' learning along with their curriculum activities. The college magazine embodies the overall milieu of the institution.   Its character: The college magazine is a magazine published internally by the college authority. The students take part an active role in bringing this to light. The students along with their teachers write for this magazine. Its circulations are confined to the students and teachers. The magazine also publishes articles on sports, results of the examination in college and its other matters. Indeed it portrays an overall picture of the college.   Its Publication : The publication of the college magazine is not highly expensive. It is a very interesting work. The teachers as well as the students work for its p...

Essay - Tree Plantation রচনা - বৃক্ষরোপণ বা বনায়ন

Essay - Tree Plantation রচনা - বৃক্ষরোপণ বা বনায়ন Essay - Tree Plantation Introduction : Tree plantation means the planting of trees. It is very essential to sustain our life on earth. Trees and forests are linked with us. To plant trees is to make our life smooth and danger free.   Necessity of trees : Trees exert immense importance on us. They give us oxygen. They absolve the poisonous carbon dioxide which is dangerous for our existence. Trees help to prevent drought, cyclone, flood and other natural calamities. They provide us wood and fuel. They give us shelter and we get fruits, flowers and materials for industry. Thus, the importance of trees cannot be described in words. Forest resource in Bangladesh : Ours is a lower riparian country. Here plants can grow. But our forest resource is not sufficient. To keep balance in nature a country needs 25% forest land of its total area. But our total forest land is 16% of our area. It is below than standard. The Sundarbans is our ...

Essay - The Village I live in রচনা - যে গ্রামে আমি বাস করি

Essay - The Village I live in  রচনা - যে গ্রামে আমি বাস করি  Essay - Your Village  রচনা আমার গ্রাম Essay - The Village I live in Introduction : Bangladesh is a country of villages. Over 85 thousand villages are here. My native village is the best village to me. It is related to my life and blood. Our ancestors lived in this village. I think this village is my whole being.   Situation and area: The name of my village is Konra. It is in the district of Satkhira. Its area is one square kilometer. It is only two kilometers away from the thana headquarter. Population: My village is densely populated. About 15 thousand people live in this village. Most of them are Muslims. There are also Hindus in our village. All of them live together. There is no communal disparity here. People mix with others without any prejudice. We feel no grudge against others. In any religious occasions, our villagers share their feelings. Most of the people here are farmers. Agriculture is th...