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Showing posts from March 7, 2025

Essay - Physical Exercise রচনা: শারীরিক ব্যায়াম

Essay - Physical Exercise রচনা: শারীরিক ব্যায়াম Or,  Utility of Physical Exercise রচনা - শারীরিক ব্যায়ামের প্রয়োজনীয়তা Essay - Physical Exercise Introduction : Physical exercise means the movement of all the limbs of our body. It is not possible to keep good health without proper physical exercise. Our body is like an engine. It gets animated if it is moved properly. Otherwise, it gets rusty like iron.  Importance of physical exercise: The importance of physical exercise is immense. We need it for the preservation of our health. The movement of the limbs and organs of our body help to keep good health. It makes our body strong and fit. It helps to keep away diseases. When the organs move, there creates certain energy that strengthens our body. There is a wise saying. "A sound mind in a sound body." It means if the body is unsound the mind will be unsound. Thus, we have to keep our body fit to get peace and satisfaction. Again, physical exercise helps the circulation of ou...

Essay - Patriotism রচনা - স্বদেশ প্রেম

 Essay - Patriotism রচনা - স্বদেশ প্রেম Essay - Patriotism Introduction : Patriotism is a noble virtue. It is inherent in man. A man must have patriotic feelings. Patriotism is a part of our religion. It enables a man to work for the country.  What is patriotism?: Patriotism means love for one's own country. It is the sterling quality of man. It is the greatest wealth and trait of man. It is the most desired thing of life. Every man has this virtue.   A true patriot : The man who loves his country is a patriot. A true patriot loves his country more than his life. He loves his country men, its soil, land and every particle. He places the interest and welfare of his country above everything. He feels the superiority of motherland over everything. The poet rightly says:   "Breathes there the man with soul so dead Who never to himself hath said,   This is my own, my native land." A patriot has great strength of mind. He is bold, strong and straight f...

Essay - Pleasure of Reading Books রচনা - বই পড়ার আনন্দ

Essay - Pleasure of Reading Books রচনা - বই পড়ার আনন্দ Essay - Pleasure of Reading Books Introduction : Books are the greatest companions of man. They offer all round help to man. We can get immense pleasure and knowledge from reading books. Books are inanimate things but they can animate man's mental horizon like catalysts. The importance of reading books in the widening of our mental horizon is inevitable and significant.  Books are the source of knowledge : Books are the source of knowledge. The knowledge possessed by human beings are lasted on the pages of books. This knowledge becomes eternal on the pages. When man opens the pages, his knowledge becomes fresh. From reading books we can get the knowledge of geography, science, adventures, literature, religion, philosophy etc. With the varied forms of knowledge books, appear in front of man to be his best friends. As the source of pleasure and inspiration: Books offer us monotony and dullness. When man becomes bored, he can re...