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Showing posts from March, 2025

Essay - Physical Exercise রচনা: শারীরিক ব্যায়াম

Essay - Physical Exercise রচনা: শারীরিক ব্যায়াম Or,  Utility of Physical Exercise রচনা - শারীরিক ব্যায়ামের প্রয়োজনীয়তা Essay - Physical Exercise Introduction : Physical exercise means the movement of all the limbs of our body. It is not possible to keep good health without proper physical exercise. Our body is like an engine. It gets animated if it is moved properly. Otherwise, it gets rusty like iron.  Importance of physical exercise: The importance of physical exercise is immense. We need it for the preservation of our health. The movement of the limbs and organs of our body help to keep good health. It makes our body strong and fit. It helps to keep away diseases. When the organs move, there creates certain energy that strengthens our body. There is a wise saying. "A sound mind in a sound body." It means if the body is unsound the mind will be unsound. Thus, we have to keep our body fit to get peace and satisfaction. Again, physical exercise helps the circulation of ou...

Essay - Patriotism রচনা - স্বদেশ প্রেম

 Essay - Patriotism রচনা - স্বদেশ প্রেম Essay - Patriotism Introduction : Patriotism is a noble virtue. It is inherent in man. A man must have patriotic feelings. Patriotism is a part of our religion. It enables a man to work for the country.  What is patriotism?: Patriotism means love for one's own country. It is the sterling quality of man. It is the greatest wealth and trait of man. It is the most desired thing of life. Every man has this virtue.   A true patriot : The man who loves his country is a patriot. A true patriot loves his country more than his life. He loves his country men, its soil, land and every particle. He places the interest and welfare of his country above everything. He feels the superiority of motherland over everything. The poet rightly says:   "Breathes there the man with soul so dead Who never to himself hath said,   This is my own, my native land." A patriot has great strength of mind. He is bold, strong and straight f...

Essay - Pleasure of Reading Books রচনা - বই পড়ার আনন্দ

Essay - Pleasure of Reading Books রচনা - বই পড়ার আনন্দ Essay - Pleasure of Reading Books Introduction : Books are the greatest companions of man. They offer all round help to man. We can get immense pleasure and knowledge from reading books. Books are inanimate things but they can animate man's mental horizon like catalysts. The importance of reading books in the widening of our mental horizon is inevitable and significant.  Books are the source of knowledge : Books are the source of knowledge. The knowledge possessed by human beings are lasted on the pages of books. This knowledge becomes eternal on the pages. When man opens the pages, his knowledge becomes fresh. From reading books we can get the knowledge of geography, science, adventures, literature, religion, philosophy etc. With the varied forms of knowledge books, appear in front of man to be his best friends. As the source of pleasure and inspiration: Books offer us monotony and dullness. When man becomes bored, he can re...

Essay - Practice of Democracy in Bangladesh রচনা - বাংলাদেশে গণতন্ত্রের অনুশীলন

Essay - Practice of Democracy in Bangladesh রচনা - বাংলাদেশে গণতন্ত্রের অনুশীলন Or,  Essay - Democracy and its Future in Bangladesh রচনা - বাংলাদেশে গণতন্ত্র এবং এর ভবিষ্যৎ Democracy in Bangladesh Introduction : Bangladesh is an independent country. It became independent in 1971 with democratic zeal and fervour. But democracy here is not established in all forms. Still we are searching the democracy here.   Definition of democracy : The word democracy is derived from Greek word 'Demos' which means people and 'Kratia' means rule or administration. It is rule of the people. Abraham Lincoln defined democracy as "Govt. of the people, by the people, for the people." It signifies that in democracy public opinion is highly recognized.   Characteristics of democracy : Democracy has certain characteristics. Firstly, it embodies equality, friendship and liberty. The aim of democracy is to see all eye to eye. Secondly, democracy sets to preserve the basic right of all pe...

Essay - Price Hike রচনা - দ্রব্যমূল্যের ঊর্ধ্বগতি

Essay - Price Hike রচনা - দ্রব্যমূল্যের ঊর্ধ্বগতি  Essay - Price Hike Introduction : Bangladesh is a small country with growing problems. Among all problems, price hike is a great one-. The problem has spread its evil clutch all over the country. I Prices of everything are increasing day by day. People of fixed and limited income are suffering a lot. All are getting concerned with this problem.   Price hike : When price goes out of buying capacity, it is called price hike.   Causes : There are many causes behind it. The first and foremost cause is over population. The small country cannot produce enough food for its increasing population. Man-made crisis of commodities is another cause. Dishonest business men do it for higher profits. Business syndicate, smuggling and corruption are also responsible for it. Our political instability greatly contributes to it. Natural calamities help to increase prices. Price hike also depends on international market. Besides, an...

Essay - Our National Flag রচনা - আমাদের জাতীয় পতাকা

Essay - Our National Flag রচনা - আমাদের জাতীয় পতাকা Essay - Our National Flag Introduction : Every nation has a national flag. The nation feels glory for this. To get a national flag, a nation has to cost much. This flag indicates the nation's independence and glory. Our national flag also enables us to raise our heads in a dignified manner.   Our identity background : Our country has a long history. We were under foreign rule for about 200 years. Both British and Pakistani rulers usurped us in every side. Our people experienced years of oppression, deprivation and torture under these foreign rule. At last, after long days we became successful to gain our independence. We got our national identity-a flag.   Struggle for a national flag: After the departure of British empire, our country fell under Pakistani rule. This time also we were oppressed. Our people raised themselves to get their proper rights. We fought nine months against barbaric Pakistani rules. After ni...

Essay - Natural Calamities / Disasters রচনা - প্রাকৃতিক দুর্যোগ

 Essay - Natural Calamities / Disasters রচনা - প্রাকৃতিক দুর্যোগ  Essay - Natural Calamities / Disasters Introduction : Bangladesh has to face many natural disasters. Some natural disasters are her daily companions. Flood, cyclone, drought visit the country every year. In a word, Bangladesh is a country of natural disasters.   Flood : Flood is the greatest natural calamity in Bangladesh. Every year, flood submerges huge area of Bangladesh. Flood occurs for heavy rainfall and melting of ice-caps. Thousands of houses break down. It damages crops. Flood affected people become helpless and houseless. Many have to live under the open sky. People suffer from various seases. Many water- borne diseases break out. Man's sufferings know no bounds. Domestic animals suffer a lot. The after effect of flood is more dangerous. Many people die. Flood affected people suffer from hunger. They become sick. Food price goes higher and higher.  Cyclone : Cyclone hits Bangladesh very ...

Essay - Necessity of Games and Sports রচনা - খেলাধুলার প্রয়োজনীয়তা

 Essay - Necessity of Games and Sports রচনা - খেলাধুলার প্রয়োজনীয়তা Essay - Necessity of Games and Sports  Introduction : Games and sports are of great value to us. These do not incur the loss of time and energy. These boost up body and refresh mentality. Games and sports also bear immense educative values.   Different types of sports: Sports are of two types- indoor games and outdoor games. The indoor games include cards, chess, dice, carom-board etc. The outdoor games include f football, cricket, tennis, hockey, badminton, basket-ball and volley-ball. Both these types of sports have great importance in our life.   Necessity of sports : "A sound mind lives in a sound body is an age old saying. This sound body is created through sports. Thus these have much necessity. Since time immemorial, learned persons are giving importance on games and sports. The wise people are adopting the utilities of games and sports. The necessities of games and sports can be s...

Essay - Newspaper রচনা: সংবাদপত্র

Essay - Newspaper রচনা: সংবাদপত্র Essay - The Importance of Reading Newspaper রচনা - সংবাদপত্র পাঠের গুরুত্ব Essay - The Importance of Reading Newspaper Introduction : The papers which supply us news and views of home and abroad are called newspapers. They are very important for us. The civilized world cannot be thought without newspaper. People feel highly delighted when they start reading newspapers.   History of newspaper : It is very difficult to know where newspaper was first introduced. It is said that the first newspaper was published at Venice in Italy. It is also said that a kind of newspaper was introduced in China during eleventh century. However, 'Samachar Darpan' was the first newspaper of Bengal. It was published by the missionaries of Sreerampur. The India-Gazette is the first newspaper in Indo-Bangladesh. Now-a-days various newspapers are being published in various designs and manners.  Kinds of newspaper : There are many kinds of newspapers, such as Daili...

Essay - Mass Education - Education for all রচনা সবার জন্য শিক্ষা

Essay - Mass Education - Education for all  রচনা - সবার জন্য শিক্ষা Introduction : Education is the back-bone of a nation. No nation can make progress without it. Thus to get development, every citizen of a nation should learn education. Mass education programme should be innovated to spread the light of education among everyone.   Importance of education : Education is the light. It dispels the ignorance of anything Education enlightens our life and refines our sensibilities. It helps us to differentiate between right and wrong. It is a catalyst that leads us to the better. It helps to create brotherly feelings and universal relations. Thus the education should be learned by everyone.   What is mass education? : Mass education means education of the illiterate mass of our country. This aims at imparting knowledge of letters to the illiterate with a view to enabling them to read, write and to do some arithmetic. This mass education makes people know what is righ...

Essay - My Favourite TV Programme রচনা - আমার প্রিয় টিভি অনুষ্ঠান

 Essay - My Favourite TV Programme রচনা - আমার প্রিয় টিভি অনুষ্ঠান Essay - My Favourite TV Programme Introduction : TV is a great source of entertainment. A wide range of programmes of varied interest is telecast on TV. Some programmes are entertaining and some are educative. Like other people, I like to enjoy TV. But all programmes are not favourite to me.   Favourite programme : I have a favourite TV programme. Its name is 'Ittadi'. It is a magazine programme. Now let us discuss why the programme is favourite to me.   The programme : Hanif Sanket is the host of the programme. He is a great cultural figure in this country. He is a born artist.His inborn skill has helped him to make the programme popular. The programme is sponsored by Keya Cosmetics Limited.   Items : There are many items in this programme. These are songs, fun, interviews, quiz programmes for the spectators and so on. World's famous buildings, ancient relics and historical places are...

Essay - Misuse of Gas রচনা- গ্যাসের অপব্যবহার

Essay - Misuse of Gas রচনা- গ্যাসের অপব্যবহার Essay - Misuse of Gas Introduction : Bangladesh is a small country with growing problems. Among all problems, misuse of gas is a great one. Development is impossible without gas. In other words, gas and development go side by side. But this gas is misused in many ways. The misuse is going from bad to worse. All are getting concerned with this problem.   Misuse : Many causes are responsible for the misuse. In most houses, housewives keep their burners on. They think it better than wasting match-sticks next. They do not have a grain of sense about the natural wealth. To them, a match - stick is more valuable. They do not know how much harm they are doing to the country. Some keep their burners on in fear of load-shedding. Illegal use is another cause. In hotels and restaurant it is misused. In big cities, many use gas to dry their clothes. In these ways, our valuable asset is misused.  Effects : The effects of the misuse are man...

Essay - Misuse Of Electricity রচনা - বিদ্যুতের অপব্যবহার

Essay - Misuse Of Electricity রচনা - বিদ্যুতের অপব্যবহার Essay - Misuse Of Electricity   Introduction : Bangladesh is a small country with growing problems. Among all problems, misuse of electricity is a great one. Development is impossible without electricity. In other words, electricity and development go side by side. But this electricity is misused in many ways. The misuse is going from bad to worse. All are getting concerned with this problem.  Misuse : Many causes are responsible for the misuse. Luxurious shops use many bulbs and fans. They also use air-conditioners. They do it to attract customers. During some festivals, all most all the shops use colourful bulbs. During some ceremonies like marriage ceremony, marriage day anniversary and birth day party, bulbs are used in excess. Many of us keep fans and bulbs on unnecessarily. Our so called leaders enjoy electric connection illegally. Many mills and factories also use it illegally. Some big guns use it but do not pay ...

Essay - My Garden রচনা - আমার বাগান

Essay - My Garden রচনা - আমার বাগান Essay - My Garden Introduction : I am a college student. I have made a garden. It is very fine to look at. I work here at my leisure. It gives me peace and satiety. All the members of my family are satisfied with my garden.   Reason for making a garden: I come of an agricultural family. My father is a farmer. We have a rich agriculture background. Since my consciousness, I have been acquainted with farming. I have cherished a dream to make a garden. In keeping with this mentality, I have made a garden. I like this garden from my heart. To remove the monotony of my life and to keep myself close to nature, I have also felt an urge to make this garden. My parents and elder sister also inspire me to make it.   Situation of my garden : My garden is situated in the eastern side of my house. My father has selected this spot. It covers quarter acre of land. As our house is east-faced, everyone coming to our house has to look at my garden. ...