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Showing posts from February 22, 2024

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Uses and Abuses of Internet

Uses and Abuses of Internet Internet  The internet is like a big network that connects lots of computers together. It's like a giant web that connects people and information from all over the world. The internet is really useful because it helps us do lots of things, like talk to our friends and family, find information for homework, and play games. But we also need to be careful because there are some bad things on the internet that we shouldn't look at or talk to. The internet lets people go on lots of different websites to learn, watch shows, read books, and have fun. The internet is like a really cheap way to talk to people, share ideas and information. It can help students find lots of books and smart people to learn from, doctors can find out about new medicines and surgeries, and people who like exploring can see faraway places. If someone is looking for a job or a special person to be with, they can find that too. So basically, the internet can be used for anything we w