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Jaflong Most Attractive Tourist Spot in Bangladesh

 Jaflong Most Attractive Tourist Spot in Bangladesh


Jaflong Most Attractive Tourist Spot in Bangladesh
Jaflong Most Attractive Tourist Spot in Bangladesh

Jaflong is a very famous place in Bangladesh that many people like to visit. It is in the northeastern part of the country, near the border with India. People usually go there for just one day from the nearby city of Sylhet.

The local people in Meghalaya, India really like to visit the pretty hills there. They can even see the hills from Bangladesh. But for people from other countries, they prefer to visit a different place called Jaflong.

In Meghalaya, there are many waterfalls on the hills that make a pretty river called Piain. This river goes to Bangladesh and brings lots of rocks with it. Every day, many people in Bangladesh collect these rocks from the river and do lots of fun things with them. It looks really nice and many people from other countries come to see it because it's so amazing.

These rocks are brought to special machines that crush them into smaller pieces. Then, these smaller pieces are sent to different places in Bangladesh to be used for building things.

Jaflong is a special place where India and Bangladesh meet. It is a popular spot for people from both countries to visit and have fun.

Zero Point is a special place in the border between India and Bangladesh. It's where you can see the beautiful hills of Meghalaya from Bangladesh. The part where the river Piain enters Bangladesh is especially amazing to look at. Just a little bit farther on the Indian side, there's a bridge between two hills that is really famous and you can see pictures of it all over Jaflong.

When the water is low, you can walk to this place. But when it rains a lot and the water gets high, you have to take a boat from Bolla Ghat to get there. There will be many boats available to take tourists there during the rainy season.

The Piain River starts in the hills of Meghalaya and goes all the way to Bangladesh. It carries lots of rocks with it. You can see beautiful hills from this river.

Sengram Punji Waterfalls in Jaflong is a place where water falls down from a high place. During the monsoon season, there is even more water flowing down the falls.

Sengram Punji Waterfalls is a beautiful waterfall in Meghalaya, a place with hills. It is about 700 meters away from Zero Point. When it is not raining much, you can go to the waterfall by walking across the river on a boat. But when there is a lot of water, you will need to take a boat to reach there. Even though this place is in India, people from Bangladesh can also visit and see the waterfall. The waterfall looks its best and has lots of water during the monsoon season.

Jaflong Sylhet Most Attractive Tourist Spot in Bangladesh
Jaflong Sylhet Most Attractive Tourist Spot in Bangladesh

Sengram Punji Khasia Village is a special place where the Khasia tribal people live. They grow special plants called betel leaves and betel nuts. The houses they live in are different and interesting. The village is on the other side of a waterfall. You can walk there when it's not raining, but when it's rainy, you need to go by boat.

The Jaflong Bridge is a very strong and sturdy bridge that was recently built over the river Piain in Jaflong. It is a great place to go to see a beautiful view of the river and the hills of Meghalaya. It is also a nice place to spend time in the evening.

In Jaflong, collecting stones is a very important job. Many people in Jaflong are involved in collecting stones in some way.

Some people like to collect pretty stones from the river. Other people buy these stones and sell them to companies that crush them into smaller pieces. These crushed stones are used for building things. The companies send the stones to different parts of Bangladesh using big trucks. Many trucks are needed to transport all the stones. This whole process creates a lot of jobs and helps many people find work.

When you go to Jaflong, you will see many places where people are breaking big rocks into smaller pieces. They carry the rocks on their heads and put them into machines that smash them. There are big piles of rocks outside each place. The machines are always working to break the rocks. Trucks are also there, bringing more rocks and taking away the broken pieces. All the places are very busy and full of things happening.

Keep going closer to the river, and you'll see people collecting stones. A man is picking up rocks from a river and putting them on a boat in Jaflong. Another man is also picking up rocks from the river and putting them on a boat. Gathering rocks from a not-too-deep river in Jaflong. People are taking sand from the bottom of the river in a place called Jaflong -these are the activities you can observe during visit to Jaflong.

If you want to sleep in Jaflong instead of just visiting for the day, there are some places where you can stay like hotels and resorts.

There is also Hotel Jaflong Inn, which is located in the town center on Mamar Bazar. The prices for the rooms there start from 1,200 BDT. You can contact them at +88-01765-686363. There are different places to stay in Jaflong. One is called Parjatan Motel, which is outside of town and has 7 rooms. The prices for the rooms are 1,800 BDT and 2,000 BDT. You can contact them at +880-2-9893710. Another place to stay is Jainta Hill Resort, which is 5km away from town. The prices for the rooms there start from 2,300 BDT. You can contact them at +88-01755-045051. There are also some cheap hotels in the town center on Mamar Bazar. The prices for these hotels should start from 300 BDT. When it comes to eating in Jaflong, the best restaurant is called "Sengram Punji Cafe" and it is run by Nazimgarh Resorts. It is located in a village called Sengram Punji, which is also known as Khasia village. There are also many other restaurants in Ballaghat that serve food of OK quality based on local standards. If you want to stay close to the river, you can choose Shah Amin Hotel. The prices for the rooms there start from 1,000 BDT. You can contact them at +88-01795-935679.

You should be ready to pay more money for everything when you are a tourist. To go to Jaflong, you have to first come to Sylhet from any place in the country. Then, you can take a bus from Sobhani Ghat bus station to Jaflong. The bus leaves every hour. But be ready for a bumpy ride on the last part of the journey, it will be like going on a roller-coaster!

If you want to see the pretty nature in Jaflong, it's best to go during the rainy season (July-September). But if you want to take pictures of people collecting stones, you should go in the winter (October to May). During the rainy season, no one collects stones.

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