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HSC English First Paper English For Today - Unit 12 Lesson 2 The Greta Effect

Hazrat Shahjalal Mazar Sharif Tourist Spot in Bangladesh

Hazrat Shahjalal Mazar Sharif Tourist Spot in Bangladesh

Hazrat Shahjalal Mazar Sharif 

Hazrat Shahjalal Mazar Sharif Tourist Spot in Bangladesh
Hazrat Shahjalal Mazar Sharif Tourist Spot in Bangladesh

Hazrat Shah Jalal is a very important person in the Muslim religion in Bangladesh. He traveled from far away to bring the teachings of Islam to the people in the north-eastern part of the country. He arrived in a city called Sylhet a long time ago. Now, there is an airport in Bangladesh named after him to honor his memory.

Hazrat Shah Jalal Yemeni (RA), also known as Hazrat Shah Jalal Muzarrad (RA), came to a place called Sylhet a long time ago to teach people about Islam. At that time, most of the people there practiced a different religion called Hinduism. After Hazrat Shah Jalal (RA) passed away, he was buried in a special place called Durgah Mahallah, which is now known as the tomb of Hazrat Shah Jalal. There is a story that says Hazrat Shah Jalal's uncle gave him some soil and told him to go to India. He said that when he found a place where the soil smelled and looked just like the soil he was given, he should stay there and spread the teachings of Islam. Hazrat Shah Jalal traveled to India and met many important scholars and spiritual leaders. The history of Hazrat Shah Jalal's life was written down many years after he lived, so there are some gaps in the story. But we know that he was born in Turkestan and became a student of a famous Sufi teacher there. Even though we don't know everything about his life, we know a lot about the good things he did and how he spread the message of Islam.

Shah Jalal was a Muslim leader who had a big impact on Sylhet, a place where many Muslims lived. A long time ago, there was a Hindu King named Gaur Govinda who ruled Sylhet. One day, a Muslim man named Burhanuddin gave a cow as a gift to celebrate the birth of his child. But a kite took a piece of meat from the cow and dropped it on a Brahmin's house. Some people say it even fell on the King's temple, which made him very mad. The King ordered Burhanuddin's hands to be cut off and his child to be killed. Burhanuddin went to another King named Sultan Shamsuddin FIRUZ SHAH to ask for help. The Sultan sent his soldiers to fight against Gaur Govinda, but they lost twice. Then, the Sultan asked his military leader Nasiruddin to lead the war. At the same time, Shah Jalal and his 360 followers came to Bengal and joined the Muslim army in the fight. This time, the Muslim army won, Gaur Govinda ran away, and Sylhet became ruled by Muslims.

Hazrat Shahjalal Mazar Sharif Tourist Spot Bangladesh
Hazrat Shahjalal Mazar Sharif Tourist Spot  Bangladesh

This is a story based on old stories that people used to tell. But there is evidence that shows that some parts of the story are true. There are some parts that might be made up, but the main part of the story, about the war and the conquering of Sylhet, is definitely true. There were important people involved, like King Gaur Govinda, Sultan Shamsuddin Firuz Shah, Sikander Khan Ghazi, Nasiruddin, and Shah Jalal. Sultan Shamsuddin Firuz Shah was the ruler of Bengal a long time ago, and he made his territory bigger by conquering different places. There are writings and experts who say that the conquering of Sylhet really happened and that Shah Jalal was a part of it too.

This special place for Muslims is very important and precious, so you don't have to pay any money to visit it.

This place never closes. It's open all day and all night. There is no day where you can take a break or rest.

Contact Number means a special number that you can use to talk to someone or get in touch with them. It's like having a phone number for a person or a place, so you can call or message them when you need to.

The place we are talking about is called Dargah Gate. It is in a city called Sylhet in a country called Bangladesh. To get there, you can follow the directions or ask someone to guide you.

To get to Dargah Mahallah from Sylhet Sadar, you need to take a special kind of car called a rickshaw or a CNG auto-rickshaw.

There are many nice hotels in Sylhet town. Most of them are located on Mazar road, Amberkhana, or Zindabazar. Here is a short list of some of these hotels.

There are two places we can visit in Sylhet. The first place is in a neighborhood called Shahjalal, and the second place is near a gate called Durgah Gate. If we want to call them, we can use the numbers 0821-721439 for the first place and 0821-727945 for the second place. When we go there, we will see many beautiful things that will catch our attention.

The town of Sylhet is a really cool place for tourists to visit because it has a beautiful river and lots of amazing forests, animals, fruit trees, and tea farms. It's like a little piece of heaven in Bangladesh, hidden in between some pretty hills. There are lots of fun things for visitors to do and see, and one of the most important places is a special shrine called Hazrat Shah Jalal.

Many people visit the shrine of Hazrat Shah Jalal to show their love and respect for him. He died a long time ago, but people still remember and admire him.

We don't know the exact date when Hazrat Shah Jalal was born or died, but some people think he was born in 1271 and others think he died in 1347. What we do know is that his real name was Sheikh Makhdum Jalal ad-Deen bin Mohammad.

Hazrat Shah Jalal is buried in Sylhet and lots of people come to visit his tomb every day. Inside the mosque, his special clothes and sword are kept safe, but not everyone can see them. The people who take care of the mosque decide who can go inside to see the tomb, and sometimes they say no if the visitors are not dressed nicely or for other reasons. They think the tomb is a special place and should be treated with respect, not like a fun place to visit. If someone is allowed to go inside, they are told to feel really lucky and be very respectful.

Sylhet is a special place with lots of old stories and customs. One of the important places to visit there is the shrine of Hazrat Shah Jalal. It's interesting to learn about the challenges Jalal faced and how they are connected to the history of the area. It's a really cool thing to explore and you'll feel happy to know more about it.

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