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Hum Hum Waterfall- The Hidden Beauty of Moulvibazar- Sylhet Bangladesh

Hum Hum Waterfall- The Hidden Beauty of Moulvibazar- Sylhet Bangladesh

 Hum hum Waterfall

Where is Hum hum Waterfall?

Hum Hum Waterfall- The Hidden Beauty of Moulvibazar- Sylhet Bangladesh
Hum Hum Waterfall- The Hidden Beauty of Moulvibazar- Sylhet Bangladesh

Hum Hum Waterfall is located in the Kurma deep  wood area in Rajkandi reserve  timberland in Kamalganj upazila Moulvibazar. The  chapters call it “Hammam Jharna ” or “ Cheetah Jhorna ”. There are some story behind the names “ Hammam ” and “ Cheetah ”. Many  state that- some people  exercised to say the word “ Hammam (Niagara) ” while taking a  Niagara in the Waterfall.  consequently the  chapters  exercised to call Hummam- Hum Hum. Again,  numerous  state that at one time leopards could be  discerned in the Rajkandi  woodland. In Bangle language- Leopards are called Cheetah. Since leopards could be  discerned in the  timber, the locals called “ Cheetah Waterfall ”. 

When was Hum hum Waterfall discovered? 

2. Hum Hum Waterfall- The Hidden Beauty of Moulvibazar- Sylhet Bangladesh
2. Hum Hum Waterfall- The Hidden Beauty of Moulvibazar- Sylhet Bangladesh

 This Waterfall was hidden from the people for a long time. This Waterfall was discovered in 2009. It was discovered by a group of  travelers  with  companion Shyamal Dev Burma. Due to the Attainability of the road and the  position of the waterfall  consequently far on one has  discerned. The height of the fall is about 135 to 170 feet( guess the travelers. There's on officially established or  tried  opinion about the height of this Waterfall.  Still,  tallying to experimenters, the range of this Waterfall is around three moments larger than Madhabkundo Waterfall.

How to go Hum hum Waterfall?

To go Hum Hum Waterfall, you have to  travel 4 to 5 hours from beginning to end the Jungle &  slimy  lines. The  expressway to this Waterfall is very inapproachable.  principally Rajkandi reserve  wood is a  position where you can  detect the real taste of adventure. When you travel from first to  survive the jungle, you surely can  detect the  measureless  goddess created by the God.  numerous  unidentified feral flowers, sauces, shrubs, bamboo forest,  fates trees around this Waterfall. The body of this Waterfall Mountain is covered with  hard-bitten rock. The stylish season to visit this Waterfall is in the  stormy season to discover the unlimited  goddess of the Waterfall. This Waterfall has 2  way. Water has flowed from the upper step to the middle step and from there the water falls into the shallow  gutter below. 

How to go to Hum hum Waterfall from Dhaka?

Srimangal is 190 km away from Dhaka. You may take train or indeed bus to reach Sreemangal ditectly from Dhaka. There are  consequently many cortege  services departs from Kamalapur( Dhaka) for Sreemangal. They are- Parabat Express, Jayantika Express, Upban Express. There are  consequently may  motor vehicle services from Dhaka to Sreemangal. And they are- Hanif, Shyamoli, Manum, Unique Paribahan etc from Dhaka’s Sayedabad, Kamalapur, Arambaghetc. To reach Hum Hum Waterfall, you need to state your  travel beforehand in the morning about 5- 6 a.m. You have to go from Sreemangal to Kalabanpara by CNG. After reaching Kalabanpara, there are parcels of attendants accessible who can  support you to reach the Hum Hum Waterfall. You have to walk for around two and  partial hour in the deep and hilly  timber, around 6 km in the  timber.

What are the  things to do before travelling to Hum hum Waterfall?

The most important  things like Knife, torch, fresh water, saline, glucose, dry  victuals &  whirlwind aid are must carrying for everyone. Everyone should take must bamboo sticks as a brace for you. Must take trekking shoes.  There are leeches on the  expressway to this Waterfall.  consequently you must keep salt with you to  shake leech. To keep the  cargo of your  pack as low as  practicable. Must take with you Voter ID Card/ photocopy of  council or university ID card/ birth  document/ passport.  It's our Responsibility to keep our  traveler  blots clean. Let’s keep the blots neat & clean as we go around. 

Happy Travelling.

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