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Showing posts from November 7, 2023

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Essay on Gender Discrimination

Essay on Gender Discrimination What's gender discrimination? Gender discrimination means  discriminative treatment of the woman. It begins with the birth of the female child. Many parents in fact in financially constraint families want to have male children so that they can help their parents in earning and contributing to family income. In the being socio- profitable set up,  male children are best suited to this purpose.  What are the effects of gender discrimination on girls? This difference affects the girls physically and mentally. The girls are born into an  unpleasant world. Still, they're assigned, rather confined to domestic chores. Some of these girls may be at academy. But all their work whether domestic or academic stops as soon as they're married off, which is the  high concern of the parents about their daughters. This discriminative treatment has some long- term negative effects on the body and mind of the girl children and women in a family. They're gi

Essay on Globalization

Essay on Globalization What's Globalization? Globalization has come a buzzword in the new  period of  transnational relations. principally  it is a process of expanding trade and commerce  each over the world by creating a borderless  request. In fact, globalization is  presently understood  substantially in terms of inter-connectedness of nations and  regions in  profitable  sphere, in particular, trade,  fiscal overflows and traditional  pots. What's the Impact of globalization? Impact of globalization is  egregious in the following spheres   a) Impact on communication:  With the impact of high- tech communication media and  modern transportation  installations, the world has come closer. Now we can learn  incontinently what's  passing in the  furthest region. Countries of the world have come like families in a  village. They can partake  their  mannas and sorrows like coming- door neighbours. b) Impact on the frugality: The impact of globalization frugality can not be d

Essay on Female Education

Essay on Female Education Female Education What's Female Education? Living in a global  village, where  know-how and  capability are essential for keeping pace with others, we can not deny the necessity of education for our womenfolk. Men and women are like  two sides of a coin. One is deficient without the other. So, the development of both men and women is a prerequisite for the overall development of the country. As women constitute about half of the  population, it would be a cry in the nature to try for any progress and substance keeping them  uninstructed and unskilled. thus,  womanish education is a crying need.  What's education? Education is the process by which our mind develops through formal  literacy. It is  a  internal and intellectual training that enhances our skill and  capability. Without education the development of implicit  mortal faculties isn'tpossible.However, a man or woman can perform his/ her duties  impeccably and  consummately, if educated. Why

Facebook- A Blessing or Curse

Facebook- A Blessing or Curse Facebook Introduction:  Facebook is the most popular social networking  point of all times. The fashionability of Facebook has increased drastically. Within 6 years Facebook has reached its billion druggies  corner.  Currently, Facebook has become a  veritably important part of our life.  Uses and abuses of Facebook: Facebook is an Internet- grounded social network connecting people worldwide and everybody having Internet connection may have access to it. Facebook  currently contributes  important to  maintain social and friendly relationship between people living far and near. Any person wishing to be a Facebook member needs first to have an Internet connection and  also to  subscribe up with  particular details  and secret  watchwords to  insure privacy and security. Any person can search their  musketeers as well as their nearest and dearest online and can  shootrequest.However, they come  musketeers in terms of Facebook and can partake everything of e

Fruits of Bangladesh

Essay on Fruits of Bangladesh Fruits of Bangladesh  Introduction: Bangladesh can flatter itself on its  plentitude of fruits.  Multifold  kinds of fruits grow in Bangladesh. Fruits are  delicious and  nutritional. Everybody likes fruits.  The mango:  The mango is a  succulent fruit. It's a  veritably popular fruit as well. It's fleshy and juicy. Mango trees grow altitudinous and are  set up in all  corridor of the country. But the mangoes of Rajshahi, Dinajpur and Bogra are  veritably sweet. Among the different  kinds of mangoes, the Fazli, the Langra, the Gopalbhog and the Mohanbhog earn special  citation. In view of its meat, juice, flavour and taste the  mango is called the king of fruits. The Jackfruit: The jackfruit is the  national fruit of Bangladesh. It's the largest of all fruits. It has juicy cells of  unheroic colour inside it. It grows  far and wide and is veritably popular. It's  veritably sweet and  nutritional. Veritably large jackfruits are  set up in g