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Showing posts from October 10, 2023

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The Parliament of the United States of America

The Parliament of the United States of America  US Parliament  The American Constitution vests the legislative powers of the federation in a bicameral legislature, known as the Congress. The Upper and Lower Chambers are called the Senate and the House of Representatives respectively. The legislative powers of both the chambers are co-equal, except that a Money Bill can only originate in the House of Representatives. But in, effect, the Senate is more powerful than the House. The Senate enjoys certain executive and judicial powers which the House does not. The Senate is not only more powerful than the House, but is also the most powerful Second Chamber in the world. The Senate of the U.S.A Term of Senate The Senators are elected for a term of six years one third retiring every two years. The retiring Senators are eligible for re-election. Rather, every good Senator is elected over again. There are numerous examples of persons remaining members of the Senate for over 18 years. The Sen