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Showing posts from September 27, 2023

Video Article Preposition Phrase Clause

The Nature and Protection of Human Rights in the United Kingdom

The Nature and Protection of Human Rights in the United Kingdom: Human Rights  The video is concerned with the protection of human rights. The first task is to determine what is meant by human rights: there is a great deal of terminological inconsistency in this area with a number of terms frequently used- human rights, civil liberties- often referring to the same thing. For our purposes, human rights take two forms. On the one hand, there are the classical civil and political rights - the rights to liberty of the person, the rights to form political parties and to participate in elections, and the rights to freedom of conscience, religion and expression. On the other hand, there are social and economic rights - the right to employment, health care, housing and income maintenance during periods of ill health, unemployment or old age. Human rights lawyers have traditionally confined their concerns to the former category, to the exclusion of the latter even though social and economic se