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Showing posts from August 26, 2023

Video Article Preposition Phrase Clause

Granting Adjournments to Party Consequences of Absence in Civil Cases

Granting Adjournments to Party, Consequences of Absence in Civil Cases Question: How many times can a court grant adjournments to a party during the hearing of a case and under what conditions? When a party fails to comply with a court order to pay the deferred costs, what shall be the effect? Is there any remedy against such consequences of the aggrieved party? Discuss. Answer: How many times the court can grant adjournments to any party: According to Rule 1 (1) of Order-17 of the Civil Procedure Code, the court may at proper cause approve the parties or any of them at any stage of the case: 1. grant time and 2. may from time to time adjourn the hearing of the case. Pursuant to Rule 1 (2) of Order-17, in each such case the court shall fix the date for the next hearing of the case and the court may make such order as it deems fit in respect of the adjourned expenses. If the hearing needs to be adjourned for a long time and before all the witnesses have completed their statements, the