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Showing posts from August 2, 2023

Video Article Preposition Phrase Clause

Res-subjudice & Res judicata

Res-subjudice & Res judicata Question a) What do you understand by res-subjudice and res judicata? When a suit pending before a court can be stayed? Answer: Res-subjudice: Res-subjudice means to stay a new suit the subject-matter of which is already pending in Court The Latin word res means matter and sub-judice means under trial. Therefore, the word res-subjudice means matter under trial. S 10 of the Code of Civil Procedure discusses with the doctrine of res-subjudice. The question of stay of trial of a suit may be raised in any special case, after the filing of the suit. Section 10 of the Code of Civil Procedure describes under what circumstances the trial of suit may be stayed. According to s 10 of the Code of Civil Procedure, where the parties and the sbject-matter of a previously instituted suit and the parties and the subject-matter of a sbsequently instituted suit are the same, the court my stay the subsequently instituted suit. However, if the previously instituted suit is