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Showing posts from June 3, 2023

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How to Get Health Insurance

Health Insurance Plans for both Individuals and Families How to Get Health Insurance According to the Commonwealth Fund, more than half of all Americans under age 65 get their insurance through their employer, The rest of the population get it through Medicaid or the individual insurance market and the rest remain uninsured. Those people aged 65 and older are automatically qualify for Medicare. The people who have lost their employee-sponsored insurance, or never got it, there are five options open to them, which depend on their income, which state they live in and whether they had coverage recently. You are requested to continue your employer's coverage through the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985, or COBRA. What is COBRA COBRA is the smoother but most expensive option for those who have lost employer coverage.  Employers basically pay about 75% of the premiums for their employees, for the rest the employee remain  responsible. An employee paid  $1,242 on av