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Showing posts from May 26, 2023

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An Essay - Deforestation রচনা: অরণ্যবিনাশ বননিধন

An Essay - Deforestation Deforestation Introduction : Deforestation is the act of cutting down or burning trees in large scale in an area. It is a global concern at present. Due to deforestation, many wild animals and birds have already become extinct and many are on the way of it and we are heading towards a disastrous situation. Causes of deforestation: The causes of deforestation are many in number. The rapidly growing population is a constant threat to the forests because they need food and shelter. For this reason, people are cutting down trees indiscriminately all over the world. Everyday the world is losing hundreds of acres of forest area. There is a close contact between drought and deforestation - regular drought is one of the pre-symptoms of deforestation. The other reasons for deforestation are: (a) too much pressure on grazing lands, (b) excessive cultivation, (c) soil erosion. The increasing effects of all these factors expedite the process of deforestation. Impact of

An essay - Dowry System in Bangladesh

An essay - Dowry System in Bangladesh Dowry System Introduction : At present the horrible social aspect that holds the prominent news in different dailies is the curse of dowry system. Many young married girls becomes victims of it. Some newly married daughters are misbehaved and tortured by their husbands for the cause of dowry. Dowry system originated in the society through the feeling of inferiority about womanhood. It is really deplorable fact that we are approaching a grim chapter of modern civilization. Prime cause behind women oppression: Dowry system has in fact turned women into Inferior beings and commodities. Newly married young women are dominated and humiliated by their husbands for the non-payment or deferred payment of dowry. In fact, it becomes a cancerous spot in the body of society and social organizations are breaking down due to this animality. Socio-economic status of women in Bangladesh: Like other underdeveloped, feudal and backward societies, the womenfolk of B