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Khoiyachora Waterfall of Bangladesh - A Beautiful Tourist Spot

Khoiyachora Waterfall of Bangladesh - A Beautiful Tourist Spot

How is Khoiyachora Waterfall in Bangladesh in my view?

1. Khoiyachora Waterfall of Bangladesh - A Beautiful Tourist Spot
1. Khoiyachora Waterfall of Bangladesh - A Beautiful Tourist Spot

Bangladesh is a country with  innumerable natural  knockouts. Khoiachora cascade is one of them. Last time my  friend and I visited there. It was an indelible experience.

How to Go  Khoiachora cascade?

Khoiachora cascade is  positioned in Mirsarai, Chittagong. For going there, first, you have to go Boro Takia Bazar which is located in Mirsarai.  Also you need to walk along the  trace for 3  twinkles towards north  instruction. You'll  detect a fragile concrete road leading towards east  instruction. This drive will take you to a rail  voyage. After the rail  voyage, the country road starts that will conduct you towards the bottom of the hills at the water sluice of the cascade. After 1 and  partial hours of  touring along the water sluice, you'll reach the  nethermost step of the khoiyachora cascade. The GPS  match of that  position is( 22degree 46'9.44" N, 91  stages 36'41.77" E).

How did we start touring to Khoiyachora?

2. Khoiyachora Waterfall of Bangladesh - A Beautiful Tourist Spot
2. Khoiyachora Waterfall of Bangladesh - A Beautiful Tourist Spot

 We started our  touring along the water sluice with  packs carrying the water bottle, food, dresses, etc. We did not take any  companion but if anyone needs he can make one. The water sluice was taking us in the broad area of hills.  occasionally, were  touring through the water sluice and  occasionally through the land. The  expressway was  veritably slippery and full of  threat. There were some mini waterfalls which created deep basins at the bottom of them. We avoided them  veritably precisely. We  passed the  nethermost step after 1 and  partial hours of  touring. 

How is the beauty of Khoiyachora?

3. Khoiyachora Waterfall of Bangladesh - A Beautiful Tourist Spot
3. Khoiyachora Waterfall of Bangladesh - A Beautiful Tourist Spot

The beauty of Khoiyachora can not be explained in language. A considerable  quantity of water was falling from the upper  portion of a hill to its bottom with huge sounds. We took our  Niagara there by the cold water of  falls. There were some beautiful  way on the upper side of the  falls, but we can not go there because of the  deficit of time. The water sluice was full of  monuments of  colorful sizes which  appeared  veritably  fascinating. The hills were full of  verdant plants and which made them look mysterious.  Altogether, the cascade will give you  goddess, challenge, adventure, and  happiness. Khoiyachora cascade is an essential natural  goddess of Bangladesh. Everyone must try to travel to Khoiyachora waterfall at least once in life. Happy traveling.

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