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Kaptai Lake - A Travel and Tourist Spot in Bangladesh

Kaptai Lake - A Travel and Tourist Spot in Bangladesh

1. Kaptai Lake - A Travel and Tourist Spot in Bangladesh
1. Kaptai Lake - A Travel and Tourist Spot in Bangladesh

Why will you go to Kaptai Lake?

Rangamati  Kaptai Lake is an artificial manmade lake located in Rangamati district under Chittagong Hill Tracts region, south eastern  portion of Bangladesh. The Rangamati  city is hilly area  girdled by this beautiful inviting lake. It's a great  sightseer spot for tourists and excursionists. Behind this  fascinating lake there's a great  tenebrous history. The  argument for creating this lake is Kaptai Dam. It took  position in 1957- 1962, when as  portion of the Kaptai Hydro- electric  design. A dam was constructed on the Karnaphuli River and the artificial Kaptai Lake was created.   Beneath this beautiful lake, formerly there was life for  numerous  autochthonous people. Because of Kaptai Dam, thousand acres of land were  submersed; autochthonous people had to lose their lands, houses, future and their hope! One hundred thousands of people were evicted. 

2. Kaptai Lake - A Travel and Tourist Spot in Bangladesh
2. Kaptai Lake - A Travel and Tourist Spot in Bangladesh

What is the woeful event that forced them to leave home and to get refugees?

A  woeful event forced them to leave home and to  get refugees, which the hill people or jummo people named" The Great Exodus".    position & Definition  Originating from the Lushai hills in Mizoram, India, the Karnaphuli river flows southwest through Chittagong Hill Tracts and Chittagong into the Bay of Bengal. An  planet- filled dam on the Karnaphuli River, the Kaptai Dam created the Kaptai Lake. The lake is full of  surprising natural scenarios.  utmost  portion of the Rangamati  city is  girdled by Kaptai Lake. But, Kaptai Dam it's located insub-district called Kaptai Upazila under Rangamati District. The lake's  face area is 11,122 km,  moderate depth is 100  bases( 30 m) and  ultimate depth is 490  bases( 150 m).    

3. Kaptai Lake - A Travel and Tourist Spot in Bangladesh
3. Kaptai Lake - A Travel and Tourist Spot in Bangladesh

What is the Brief Introduction to Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT)?

Have you ever heard of CHT before? The  condensation of CHT is Chittagong Hill Tracts. Chittagong Hill Tract is located in the southeast  portion of Bangladesh,  skirting India and Myanmar. The area of CHT is 5,093 square  long hauls. It comprised three hilly  sections:

 1. Rangamati

2. Khagrachari

3. Bandorban

These are the three  sections where  autochthonous people have been abiding for long time ago , indeed before British  period.   It's the  position where 90 of  grand population of  autochthonous people lives, in the  entire Bangaladesh. They like to call them Jummo people. There are 12  autochthonous groups  reside together with peace and harmony. These  autochthonous groups are Chakma, Marma, Chak, Tanchangya, Tripura, Bom, Pankhu, Mrung, Lushai, Kheyang, Mru and Khumi  reside then, who together like to be called as the" Jummo" nation. They've their own languages,  societies,  tricks and  persuasions. The Chakma, Marma, Chak, Tanchangya, the vast  maturity of the hill people, are in Buddhist in  persuasion.

4. Kaptai Lake - A Travel and Tourist Spot in Bangladesh
4. Kaptai Lake - A Travel and Tourist Spot in Bangladesh

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