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Tourist Spot - Dhakeswari Temple, Dhaka Bangladesh

 Dhakeswari Temple, Dhaka Bangladesh

Tourist Spot - Dhakeswari Temple, Dhaka Bangladesh
Tourist Spot - Dhakeswari Temple, Dhaka Bangladesh 

Tourist Attraction - Dhakeswari Temple, Dhaka Bangladesh
Tourist Spot - Dhakeswari Temple at Dhaka Bangladesh 

The name' Dhakeshwari' means' Goddess of Dhaka'. This  notorious 11th- century Hindu  tabernacle is the most prominent  tabernacle of Dhaka, located at the old part of Dhaka. It's the National Temple, extensively visited by thousands of callers and addicts.   History   The Dhakeshwari  tabernacle was  erected in the 12th century by Ballal Sen, a king of the Sena dynasty, and it's said that the  megacity was named after theGoddess.

The current architectural style of the  tabernacle can not be dated to that period because of the  multitudinous repairs, emendations and rebuilding which have taken place over time. It's considered an essential part of Dhaka's artistic heritage. numerous experimenters( who?) believe that the  tabernacle is also one of the Shakti Peethas, where the jewel from the crown of the Goddess Sati had fallen. Although there isn't enough  literal  environment to establish this as a fact, experimenters have been directed to this  point while trying to  detect the particular Shakti Peetha. 

Since  periods, the  tabernacle has been held in great  significance. The original 800- time-old murti was taken to Kumartuli, Kolkata, West Bengal, India. During the partition of India, she was brought to Kolkata from Dhaka with millions of deportees. 

By 1950, the businessman Debendranath Chaudhary  erected the  tabernacle of Goddess in Kumortuli area and established some of the Goddess' property for her  diurnal services. The  hero is 1.5  bases altitudinous, has ten arms, mounted on her  captain in the form of Katyani Mahishasurmardini Durga. On her two sides are Laxmi, Saraswati, Kartik and Ganesh. A Tiwari family from Azamgarh was appointed by the royal family for  diurnal  deification of the deity. In 1946, the descendants of that family came to Calcutta and werere-appointed, where they still serve the Goddess continuously.   It's extensively believed( according to whom?) that the Queen,  woman of King Bijoy Sen went to Langolbond for bathing. On her way back she gave birth to a son, known to  chroniclers as Ballal Sen. After  thrusting to the throne, Ballal Sen  erected this  tabernacle to glorify his  motherland. Legends say that Ballal Sen  formerly conceited of the deity covered under the jungle. Ballal Sen uncovered the deity from there and  erected a  tabernacle, named for Dhakeswari. Whatever the legends describe, Hindus consider Dhakeswari to be the presiding deity of Dhaka, which is an  manifestation or form of Goddess Durga the Adi Shakti. The  hero of Durga is called Dhakeswari.

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