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Shuvolong Waterfall in Rangamati

Shuvolong Waterfall in Rangamati

Shubolong Fall Rangamati Bangladesh-Tourist Spot
Shubolong Fall Rangamati Bangladesh-Tourist Spot

2. Shubolong Fall Rangamati Bangladesh-Tourist Spot
2. Shubolong Fall Rangamati Bangladesh-Tourist Spot

 If you're looking for a waterfall girdled by  lofty heels and the  heavenly natural beauty, the Shuvolong waterfall will be your destination. This  grandiose cascade invites you to take a look at its  fascinating  enchantress and to tell a many words in praising it. It's  positioned in the Rangamati district and can be  passed only by boat. The fall is brimful of beauty during the rains. Shuvolong  Waterfall is a beautiful waterfall in Rangamati. The only accessible path to reach  the cascade is through the lake. People visit there by boat. It's a  celebrated place with tourists for the cascade, high hills, and the nature  girding it offers. This waterfall is exactly before the Shubholong Bazar. So that Shuvolong is  effortlessly accessible by speed boat or motor boats from Rangamati.

Which one is the amazing and mysterious Waterfalls in Bangladesh?

Shuvolong Waterfall is one of the amazing and mysterious fountains located at the bank of Kaptai Lake, Rangamati  quarter of Bangladesh. It’s a natural and  utmost  appealing fall for the tourists. Shuvolong Waterfall is within the Borkol Upazila of Rangamati. Where you'll get the  refined water spring of this fountain creates a special  passion within the heart of the excursionists. Within the season the cascade from 300  feet high and an  immersing air heard from that.

How to reach to Shuvolong Waterfall?

 Shuvolong the way from the Rangamati Sadar is around 25 km. you ’ve got to travel by bus from Dhaka to Rangamati. From Rangamati to Shuvolong you ’ve got to order a boat or motorboat to  work out in the waterfall. passing the  raceway through the hills and mountains the good great  individuality about Kaptai Lake is  frequently seen. The lake, cradles, wide blue, hills and in particular the life- style of the  ethnical people must  dumbfound  you. Where ever you look you'll see the hills and blue water of Kaptai Lake. It's  frequently said on pledge that the natural great thing about Shubolong Jharna must attract you.  

How  numerous tourists travel to Shuvolong Waterfall every day?

Every day thousands of tourists  approach to Shuvolong Waterfall in the autumn season. Autumn season is the stylish time to  proceed to Shuvolong Waterfall because you'll see the strong spring of the  fall. Excursionists enjoy shuvolong  falls in Kaptai Lake, Rangamati. Rangamati, Chittagong. 

3. Shubolong Fall Rangamati Bangladesh-Tourist Spot
3. Shubolong Fall Rangamati Bangladesh-Tourist Spot

4. Shubolong Fall Rangamati Bangladesh-Tourist Spot
4. Shubolong Fall Rangamati Bangladesh-Tourist Spot

5. Shubolong Fall Rangamati Bangladesh-Tourist Spot
5. Shubolong Fall Rangamati Bangladesh-Tourist Spot

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