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Panoramic Beauties of Chattogram Hills

Panoramic Beauties of Chattogram Hills

Panoramic Beauties of Chattogram Hills
Panoramic Beauties of Chattogram Hills

2. Panoramic Beauties of Chattogram Hills
2. Panoramic Beauties of Chattogram Hills

Why is Chattogram an ideal holiday spot?

Chattogram, the second largest  town of Bangladesh and a busy  transnational seaport, is an ideal  holiday spot. Its green hills and  timbers, its broad  flaxen  strands and its fine cool climate always attract the  vacation- labels. Described by the Chinese  tourist poet, Huen Tsang ( 7th centuryA.D) as" a sleeping beauty arising from mists and water" and given the title of" Porto Grande" by the 16th century Portuguese  mariners. Chattogram combines remains true to both the descriptions indeed  moment. It combines the busy hum of an active seaport with the firing quiet of a  fascinating hill  city.   

What are two emotional structures in Chattogram?

The Shahi Jama-e-Masjid and Qadam Mubarak Mosque are two of the most  emotional  structures in the  town. It's also worth visiting the Ethnological Museum in the Modern City which has  intriguing displays on Bangladesh's  ethnical peoples. There are good views and cooling  breaths from Fairy Hill in the British City in the north- western sector of the  megacity.

 Chattogram is the country's  principal  harborage and is the main  point for the establishment of heavy, medium and light  diligence. Bangladesh's only  sword  shop and  oil painting refinery are also located in Chattogram.   Language Bangla, English is spoken and understood.   Wearing Apparel Tropical in summer and light woolen in downtime.   Communication & Transport Chattogram is connected by road and rail with rest of the country. Air link is available with Dhaka and Calcutta.

What are touristically important places?

Auto Reimbursement Rent-A-Car  installations are available for  megacity sightseeing and  passages to Rangamati, Cox's Bazar, Sitakunda and other touristically important places.   Hill sections The Hill Tracts is divided into three  sections,  videlicet Rangamati, Khagrachari and Bandarban.   From Chattogram a 77 km. road amidst green fields and winding hills will take you to Rangamati, the headquarters of the Rangamati Hill District which is a  astonishing depository of scenic splendours with foliage and fauna of varied descriptions. It's also connected by water way from Kaptai. 

What is important for Foreign Travellers to note?

For visit of foreign travelers  to the Hill sections  previous  authorization from the Government is  needed which can be arranged through Tour Operators & BPC.   The Hills The Hill Tract is divided into four  denes girdled by the Feni, Karnaphuli, Sangu( Sankhu) and Matamuhuri gutters and their  feeders. The ranges or hills of the Hill Tracts rise acutely  therefore looking far more  emotional than what their height would  indicate and extend in long narrow crests. The loftiest peaks on the northern side are Thangnang, Langliang and Khantiang while those on the southern side are Ramu, Taung, Keekradang, Tahjindong( 4632 ft, loftiest in Bangladesh), Mowdok Mual, Rang Tlang and Mowdok Tlang.   The  timbers The  denes of the Hill Tracts are covered with thick planted  timbers. The  foliage insemi-evergreen to tropical evergreen dominated by altitudinous teak trees. 

What are The natural foliage?

The natural  foliage can be seen stylish in the Rain- khyong  denes of the Bandarban  quarter. This  quarter provides the country with  precious wood used for  colorful purposes, besides supplying wood and bamboo for the Karnaphuli Paper Mills and the Rayon Mills  positioned at Chandraghona. 

What may a sightseer be lucky to see?

Then a  sightseer may be lucky to see how huge logs of wood are being carried to the plain by the  regulated  mammoths.   Climate There are there main seasons, the dry season( November to March), which is  fairly cool, sunny and dry, the premonsoon season( April and May), which is  veritably hot and sunny with occasional shower, and the  stormy season( June to October), which is warm, cloudy and wet.   ethnical life The  occupants of the Hill Tracts are  substantially  ethnical. 

How is the life of the  ethnical people?

Life of the  ethnical people is extremely fascinating. maturity of them are Buddhists and the rest are Hindus, Christians and Animists. Despite the  thrall of religion,  rudiments of barbarian is  explosively displayed in their  solemnities, rituals and everyday life. The  ethnical families are maternal. The women- folk are more hardworking than the males and they're the main productive force. The  ethnical people are extremely  tone- reliant, they grow their own food, their girls weave their own clothes and generally speaking, they live a simple life. Each  lineage has its own  shoptalk, distinctive dress and  solemnities and rituals. The common  point is their way of life which still speak of their main occupation. Some of them take pride in hunting with  curvatures and arrows. ethnical women are  veritably skilful in making beautiful  crafts. ethnical people are generally peace loving, honest and  sociable. They  generally hail a  sightseer with a smile. 

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