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HSC English First Paper English For Today - Unit 12 Lesson 2 The Greta Effect

Hatirjheel- Another Scenic Place in Bangladesh

Hatirjheel- Another Scenic Place in Bangladesh

Hatirjheel, Lakefront of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Hatirjheel, Lakefront of Dhaka, Bangladesh 

Recreation at Hatirjheel, Lakefront of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Recreation at Hatirjheel, Lakefront of Dhaka, Bangladesh 


Hatirjheel is a lakefront in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Before 2009, It was a slum area that has been  converted into a recreation area as well as an alternate way to ease business traffic.

What is the history of Hatirjheel?

 Legend has it that the elephants of Dhaka's Pilkhana used to take  baths in these  marshes – hence the name Hatirjheel.

What is the  location of Hatirjheel?

Hatirjheel is located at the centre of the capital  megacity, Dhaka. The area stretches from Sonargaon Hotel in the south to all the way to Banasree in the north. The place is  compassed by Tejgaon, Gulshan, Badda, Rampura, Banasree, Niketan, and Maghbazar, and it made the transportation of the people living near these areas much easier.

Development of Hatirjheel:

Erecting the entire  point  needed 19.71 billion( 19,710 million) taka and an area of 302 acres.( 5) From this,10.48 billion( 10,480 million) taka was spent in acquiring the  point itself. 46 of the area belongs to RAJUK, which includes an area of 81 acres for a" court of walks", 141 acres for public lands and 1 acre for BTV. The  design was first permitted in October 2007, and was said to be completed within three times ( by June 2010). still, the construction began in December 2008, which took a  farther half time for expanding it. The total  finances for creating the  design included the money of RAJUK ( 1,113.7 billion taka), LGED ( 2,760 million) and WASA(866.95 million).  It has an area of311.79 acres while some8.80 kilometer service road and some8.80 kilometer  pass have been constructed under the  design. The entire area of Hatirjheel is designed with about four main and four minor islands( viaducts), several underpasses( flyovers), footbridges ( overbridges), 8.80 kilometres of paths,9.80 kilometers walkway, one children's  yard, and 13 viewing balconies. There are sitting arrangements for climbers by the seaside. A lake flows through the heart of the  design with a 16 km road  girding it. During the dry season, the Hatirjheel lake can hold  roughly 3.06 billion liters of water, and during the  stormy season about4.81 billion liters of water, making it the largest body of water inside the capital of Bangladesh.

What are the facilities in Hatirjheel?

 After completion, Hatirjheel is considered by  numerous to be one of the most notable places in Dhaka, and hence, turned into one of the most favourite recreational places for the  megacity  residers and  travelers . Since congested  structures  percolate   utmost of Dhaka, leaving many open places for people to feel the fresh air, Hatirjheel attracts the  megacity  residers with its abundant fresh air. Bus and water  hack services are available for transport within the area. At night, lights of different  tinges illuminate the entire Hatirjheel, especially on the islands. 

The area has been decorated with  unfolding shrubs and trees. multitudinous  travelers  and hikers visit the  point every evening to enjoy the reflection of light and the fresh air.   In the afternoon people, especially couples, visit Hatirjheel for recreational purposes. There are restaurants and venues for small- scale family picnics. Boat lifts are also available for both recreational purposes and transportation. The area has an amphitheatre with a capacity to accommodate 2,000 callers. There's a 120- meter long  various musical  root with a time- controlled sound  surge and musical tracks, making it atri-dimensional structure.

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