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Facts of Buddha Dhatu Jadi the Bandarban Golden Temple

Facts of Buddha Dhatu Jadi the Bandarban Golden Temple

1. Facts of Buddha Dhatu Jadi the Bandarban Golden Temple
1. Facts of Buddha Dhatu Jadi the Bandarban Golden Temple

2. Facts of Buddha Dhatu Jadi the Bandarban Golden Temple
2. Facts of Buddha Dhatu Jadi the Bandarban Golden Temple

3. Facts of Buddha Dhatu Jadi the Bandarban Golden Temple
3. Facts of Buddha Dhatu Jadi the Bandarban Golden Temple

What's Buddha Dhatu Jadi?

The Buddha Dhatu Jadi is a Theravada Buddhist temple also known as the Bandarban Golden Temple. The Buddha Dhatu Jadi is located at Pulpara 4 kilometer from Balaghata  city and 10 kilometer from in the remote Bandarban hill  section, in Bangladesh. The Bandarban Golden Temple is the largest Theravada Buddhist Temple with the second largest Buddha statue in Bangladesh.

What's known about Buddha Dhatu Jadi?

  The Buddhist temple is known in regional  mother tongue as kyang. The Buddha Dhatu Jadi is  noted as one of the holy  point for Theravada Buddhism followers and Buddhist pilgrims. This religion is  rehearsed by the Marma or Mogh ethnical group of the Chittagong Hill Tracts, a dominant ethnical group in Bandarban. They're of Arakan descent and Buddhists by religion.

Where is Buddha Dhatu Jadi situated?

The temple is situated in the hill  city of Bandarban, which has two of the loftiest  mounts hills, the Tajingdong( 4,000 feet or 1,200 meters) and the Keokaradong( 4,632 feet or 1,412 meters) filled in with  thick  timbers. Sangu river flows through the  city. There's a cascade  hard. The  tabernacle is  erected on top of a( 200 feet or 60 meters) high hill. erection of the temple started in 1995 and was complete in 2000.

What  further information for pilgrims and visitors of The Buddha Dhatu?

The Buddha Dhatu Jadi temple attracts pilgrims and  guests in all over the world. The Buddha Dhatu Jadi is a part of the Buddhist Circuit Tour promoted by the South Asia Sub indigenous Economic Cooperation( SASEC) Tourism Development Project.   There's small pond in the temple  termed “ The Pond of Angels ” on the top of a hill. rubberneck or  sightseer can see a total  regard of Balaghata and its  girding natural  knockouts from then. numerous  jubilee is arranged then in every time.   Visitors can  rent a rickshaw or  bus gharry from Bandarban  town. It's open from 5 PM to 7PM for the visitors. A strict dress  law of ‘ no films and no shoes ’ in  tabernacle  firmaments is followed then. 

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