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Essay on Globalization

Essay on Globalization

What's Globalization?

Globalization has come a buzzword in the new  period of  transnational relations. principally  it is a process of expanding trade and commerce  each over the world by creating a borderless  request. In fact, globalization is  presently understood  substantially in terms of inter-connectedness of nations and  regions in  profitable  sphere, in particular, trade,  fiscal overflows and traditional  pots.

What's the Impact of globalization?

Impact of globalization is  egregious in the following spheres  

a) Impact on communication:

 With the impact of high- tech communication media and  modern transportation  installations, the world has come closer. Now we can learn  incontinently what's  passing in the  furthest region. Countries of the world have come like families in a  village. They can partake  their  mannas and sorrows like coming- door neighbours.

b) Impact on the frugality:

The impact of globalization frugality can not be denied. Like the developing countries of the world. Many countries are getting benefit out of borderless request. Our GDP has increased. Garment diligence are considered the foreign exchange earner. In terms of investment, employment and exports, the  performing EPZS have been greatly successful.

c) Impact on  ultramodern technology:

 Globalization is now largely grounded on a strong technological foundation. The electronic transfer of information via the Internet has now created an immediate and inter-connected world of information performing in a 24- hour trading network. This technology has largely changed banking and  fiscal conditioning. Worldwide  plutocrat transfer and  sale of businesses have now come a matter of clicking the mouse of a computer. We can now buy and  vend goods through the electronic screen. Globalization is at present only what  technology makes possible.

d) Impact on sports and recreation:

Sports play an important  part in the development of transnational relationship. Numerous  transnational sporting events are organized from time to time. These events are telecast worldwide by satellite and people  each over the world watch them live. The sports venue becomes a meeting place of people from different countries. They come closer to each other,  participating views, opinions and  fellowship.

e) Impact on education:

Many developing countries of the world, have linked education as the key to substance and progress. Patron countries are contributing to the progress  of our  knowledge rate and overall education. Colorful  transnational associations have responded dramatically with their generous aid in education sector. Numerous non-formal  seminaries are being run. Meritorious scholars are  serving themselves of the foreign education.

f) Impact on our culture:

Although globalization is substantially connected with business, trade and  transnational relations, it's no longer viewed from that viewpoint alone. The  drift of globalization is now  inching into other spheres too. Satellite TV channels and the Internet are  bringing all  feathers of different customs and  geste into our homes. Under the influence of globalization, global  societies are steadily getting integrated with original  societies. Independent nations have their own traditional social values, beliefs and  stations. But in the globalizing process,  numerous foreign customs and beliefs are intruding into them.  

Faults of Globalization:

 Taking the advantage of the idea of globalization, commercial countries are exploiting and reducing the workers of the developing countries. In the name of help and cooperation, the industrially developed commercial countries are exploiting the cheap labour market available in poorer countries.  This actually paves the way for a long-lasting poverty so that the  plutocrats can continue to have a pool of cheap labour to draw from. The exploited and impoverished workers of the developing countries are far from suited for a globalizing  important capitalism. As a result, the disparity between wealth and poverty is always widening. Globalization has put the people of the world on the same ship but in different cabins of uneven facilities.


It's true that globalization has produced a window of  occasion for  further countries to join the mainstream of world frugality. Through globalization process, the world can be knit together, cross-pollination of culture can take place, and transfer of knowledge can come a reality. It has the  hazards too and in the ultimate analysis no country is safe from the hazards of globalization. However, we should have cooperation and interdependence but not conflict and dependence, If we want to be advanced. If we can  make up an atmosphere of  collective understanding and cooperation through the globalization  process, our world can  clearly be a better place to live in. 

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