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HSC English First Paper English For Today - Unit 12 Lesson 2 The Greta Effect

Essay on Freedom of Speech

Essay on Freedom of Speech

 What's Freedom of Speech?

Freedom of speech is a fundamental right of the people in a democratic country. They  are free to express their  studies and  passions, their sentiments and grievances, their  requirements and demands as long as they don't infringe upon the  analogous rights of others. Centuries ago Rousseau said," Man is born free but  far and wide he's in chains." This  self-evident  protestation of the great social  scientist shows how enchained man was. In a slightly  swerved reflection, the  script remains  nearly the same yet  moment. Man's need for his freedom of speech is a  delinquent event in the history of  mortal civilization. Originally, man felt the fulfilment of his  introductory requirements. This continued hundreds of centuries. When feudalism reached serfdom, the freedom to speak for himself  presumably rose in man. The American  ranch labourers were the first to  rebellion speak for themselves to establish their rights. Until the puritanical days,  ranch labourers couldn't establish their rights in England.

Why does man need freedom of Speech?

Every man is born with an independent spirit, so he's an individual, he hardly can divide his  tone. In his  tone by birth, man imbibes a spirit of individualism. He wants to express his opinion and establish it in his  existent, family and social life. The  wallflower type of  individualities are less inclined to this  partiality than the backslappers. Backslappers' expressions are bolder, more  impacting.

Is man free in his expression?

Interestingly enough. although man demands freedom of speech, he can not always exercise this freedom. In his family life indeed, the  woman hides the speech from the  husband and the husband from the  woman. So, the speech isn't always free. Lest one's speech should hurt the other,  individualities suppress their speech. In social affairs, unless it involves common interest, speech isn't free.

Where does man actually need the freedom of speech?

When democracy was institutionalized, monarchy lost its hold over political establishment. In a popular society, the freedom of speech is  important felt. supposedly or theoretically, man can uphold his opinion in exercising ballot. In reality. the freedom of speech in a popular society also is in chains because limited  gang dominates the popular platforms.  Either the business class, the landlords, or the rising middle class or  functionaries rein the political platforms. These classes of people shrewdly use a broad placard for serving their purpose people in some way or  else are  entangled by these classes. Though they vociferously claim to serve the people, they  nearly do not. The common people are  wisecracked but people feel that they've exercised their freedom of speech. So, the freedom of speech is eventually a more sonorous watchword than a freedom. Therefore, the interest of the common people is always ignored. The ruling party remains busy to  serve their  tone- interest and party- interest. So, the common people want to express their grievances freely and need the freedom of speech both in  proposition and practice.

Experience of freedom of speech in developed countries:

Developed countries of the world in their politics  substantially have two party systems. People see  nearly  analogous  effects recreating in matters of freedom of speech. What Bush did for freedom of speech, despite  numerous catchy banners, Obama did the same. analogous is the rush of events in England. Germany and France.

Experience of freedom of speech in developing countries:

Countries like India. Bangladesh, Pakistan experience  analogous  effects,  occasionally worse than that. Dynasty rule  disguised as democracy prevails in these countries.  still, they could have people's leader like the people of Venezuela, Bolivia, If the freedom of speech were really free in these countries. Vietnam and Malaysia.

Conclusion: Whatever might be the reality, the  watchword and the demand for the freedom of speech as a conception can not be denigrated. Social and political structures  formerly will be restructured and reformed.  Until  also let us conceptually be enlightened by the  watchword of the freedom of speech and hope that once the day will come when our speech will really be tree and will be  permitted by the others to form a society benevolent in nature and truly  salutary to the common man.

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