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HSC English First Paper English For Today - Unit 12 Lesson 2 The Greta Effect

Essay on Food Problem in Bangladesh

Essay on Food Problem in Bangladesh

What's food problem?

Food is a  introductory need and right of  mortal beings to keep alive. In Bangladesh, we've  numerous problems. Food problem is one of them. The problem is getting complex with the passage of time. Population of Bangladesh is  adding  at a high rate but food  product isn't  adding  proportionately giving rise to food  deficiency. Bangladesh has a huge population to feed. The adverse, land- man  rate is posing food problem and the problem is aggravating day by day.

What are the causes of food problem?

There are  numerous reasons for food problem. To supply food for the  adding  number of our people is a major issue. Every time, Bangladesh is losing 80 thousand hectares of its cultivable land due to  casing, setting up  diligence,  seminaries,  sodalities and hospitals, constructing roads and  roadways and other  structure development. Statistics show that if this rate continues.  Bangladesh will have no cultivable land in the coming century. either, our agrarian system is still backdated indeed in this scientifically advanced world. Though Bangladesh is a land of gutters, our  husbandry suffers water extremity due to the lack of irrigation  installations. We depend on Nature for water and we couldn't develop a good system and network of irrigation. Our  growers use unscientific and traditional seeds and in- puts which also  hinder our food  product. Another important cause of food problem is the diversification of our agrarian crops. Preliminarily rice was the only  chief food in Bangladesh, but at present food habit and demands are changing. Wheat is another major food grain in Bangladesh. For the  public and  transnational demand our  growers are growing different kinds of crops  which can not meet up the necessity of rice and wheat.

How does food problem affect?

Food problem affects  further than any other problem in our socio- profitable development. We're always engaged in collecting and buying food, so we can not concentrate on the development of our country by diverting our  stingy  fiscal  coffers from food sector to other sectors. Any decline or  extremity in food  product brings great  torture to people, especially poor people, and seriously hampers  profitable growth of the country. In order to meet the demand of food  force, the country has to import food grains from abroad at a heavy cost of foreign exchange.

What are the remedies of food problem?

Priority must be given to  working this problem. We've to follow strict rules and regulations to control the population. Bangladesh must find ways to increase food  product. We should go for  mongrel crops and we've to develop our  civilization system. We also have to  help  corrosion, and go for sustaining agrarian  products during and against natural  disasters.

Conclusion: A child has the right to be fed  duly from the state, but we've failed in feeding them. So, starvation, malnutrition and poverty are prevailing throughout our country. It must be checked  else we'd fall down from the status of  mortal beings. Hence  each- out  sweats should be made to enhance food  product at any cost.

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