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HSC English First Paper English For Today - Unit 12 Lesson 2 The Greta Effect

Essay on Food Adulteration or Food Contamination

Essay on Food Adulteration /Food Contamination

Food Adulteration /Food Contamination

What is the most notorious social crimes? One of the most notorious social crimes is food contamination- the most important health hazard. A lot of people start to  suppose about the question" What do we eat?"," Is that food safe?" The advantage of  ultramodern  wisdom has made it easy for those  culprits to introduce a lot of new  ways in food contamination.

What are the pollutants?

Before going to the  description of food contamination, let us see what  pollutants are. pollutants are chemical substances which shouldn't be contained within other substances,  potables, energies or fungicides for legal or other reasons.  pollutants may be  designedly added to  substances to reduce manufacturing costs, or for some deceptive or  vicious purpose. pollutants may also be accidentally or intentionally mingled with substances.  

What is Food Adulteration?

The addition of  pollutants is called adulteration. Contamination of food may be caused by other means also. So, anything that's added immorally to the food for any purpose belongs to food contamination.

What are the examples of food contamination?

 1. Use of formalin in fish and fish products to  save for a longer time.

2. Use of urea in fried rice to make it more white and large.

3. Oleomargarine or lard added to adulation and ghee.

4. Rapeseed  oil painting generally added to soyabean oil painting.

5. Artificial colourants are used in authorities and drinks.

6. Water is added to milk for  lacing it.

7. High fructose  sludge  saccharinity in honey

8. Use of dead  chicken and  trade of dead meat in restaurants.

What are the health problems caused by food contamination?

Food contamination creates a lot of health problems in the people. Some are  recited below:

1. Use of formalin creates  colorful liver  conditions like liver cirrhosis.

2. Urea and other nitrogenous products beget different types of  order  complaint especially in children

3. Oleomargarine that's used in adulation contains low  viscosity lipo- protein that causes atherosclerosis and heart  complaint.

4. Dead  chicken in  restaurants and  caffs may contain  bacteria and germs and may produce infection.

5. Artificial colourants contain a lot of  poisonous substances like zinc, indigo which are carcinogenic and may produce cancer.

How to stop this contamination? 

 Contamination is a social crime. These adulterations are going on in different places and in manufactories. So, when any  plant or company is  set up  shamefaced, it should be  penalized heavily. The consumers should avoid that company in a mass. People should get  terrified about them and mass communication should be in progress.   

What may be the  role of the government? 

 The government should take  veritably strong  way in  precluding contamination. National Testing Institutions should be  handed with applicable authority and force to introduce legal  conduct against the  indicted. Hopefully  currently, government conducts steps against food contamination. It produces good results but a lot more should be done. 

Conclusion: Food contamination is a crime which creates health problems in a mass. So, this type of felonious act should be  penalized and banned. The government as well as the citizens should take all kinds of possible  way to stop this act.

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