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Eassy on My First Day at College

Eassy on My First Day at College

My First Day at College


My first day at  college is a memorable day in my life. I had been earnestly  staying for that day for a long time, because I heard  numerous  effects about  college education from my elder sisters and neighbours who were college  scholars. I started feeling that they had the advantage of moving about with an air of superiority. At last, the long- sought day came. A new  palpitation began to  prompt me since morning to start for the place where the college stands. So, it was  relatively early when I reached the college. I was loitering hither and thither until I met a friend. He advised me to take down the routine which was displayed in the Notice Board. He showed me the Notice Board. I went there and took down the routine. It was the first thing that I had done on my first day at college.

College Education System:

I started to  witness that the system in the college was different from what I had been  oriented to at  academy. With the ringing of the bell  publicizing the end of a period. The students changed classrooms unlike at a  academy where apartments were fixed for different classes. The professors looked comparatively grave and composed and not grim and  shocking like  academy preceptors.  The students conducted with  chastising politeness Indeed the  slavish staff appeared  fairly refined and  dressed in their dealings. I didn't know before that roll- call was done in each period. All this, in fact  gave me a new kind of experience.

Class work:

On that day. I had three classes- listed for the third, fifth and sixth ages. In the  third period, I had English class. The Professor came, called over the rolls, told us a many words of welcome and  also  concentrated on the  significance of learning English in Bangladesh. In the fifth period, we had the Professor of Bengali who  bandied a lyric by our  public poet, Kazi Nazrul Islam, while in the sixth period, the Professor of Philosophy gave us an introductory lecture on deducible sense. All the  preceptors were  once masters in their separate subjects and I felt proud to have come a pupil of  similar erudite scholars.

Other activities:

I had a big gap in the fourth period followed by recess. I was moving about on the  college compound while a new class fellow took me to the  council canteen. He entertained me with tea and snacks and we felt like being great friends. From there, we went to scholars Common Room where  I skipped over the  review captions and he played a game of ping pong with other  scholars. A big gathering near the Botanical Garden drew my attention and I felt curious to see what  happened there. I took leave of my new friend and made for that place. Having gone near, I noticed that a pupil.   presumably a leader, was addressing the crowd. I didn't like the harangue and went to the  near  structure. I  set up that it was the library building I entered the  commodious reading room wherein  numerous students were  occupied in study. I felt  largely tempted to sit with them but I had no library card. So, I  had to check my temptation. I came out with the intention to  land a library card as soon as possible. Meanwhile, the bell for the fifth period  chimed and I moved into the  council hall for the class in Bengali.


 After my class hours, I came back home with a strange exhilaration of pride and pleasure. In  fact, I started feeling that I was on the threshold of shaping up.

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