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Buddhist temple in Ramu – Cox’s Bazar

Buddhist temple in Ramu – Cox’s Bazar

1. Buddhist temple in Ramu – Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh
1. Buddhist temple in Ramu – Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh 

2. Buddhist temple in Ramu – Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh
2. Buddhist temple in Ramu – Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh 

3. Buddhist temple in Ramu – Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh
3. Buddhist temple in Ramu – Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh 

4. Buddhist temple in Ramu – Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh
4. Buddhist temple in Ramu – Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh 

Buddhist temple

Ramu is a village in Ramu Upazila of Cox’s Bazar district, Bangladesh. You ’d  discover quite a many Buddhist temples around that area. Amongst those the Rangkut Bonasram Buddha Bihar is the most  celebrated and visited one. This Buddhist temple is  precisely around 14- 20 kilometers from the main  city of Cox’s Bazar. If you have a plan to  give  further than a couple of days in Cox’s Bazar  also this  position is a nice one to explore. This  position isn't that huge and don't anticipate too  important to  know from there.  Ramu Buddhist temple was established around the time 338 BC. The temple premise has several statues of the Gautama Buddha inside the temple. They're in  distinctive colors and shapes. I  set up the  undyed bone was most  emotional.  standard a lot of people visit the  tabernacle for religious purposes.  occasionally many callers enjoy the  goddess and natural  quietude from then too. 

Why did I travel to Ramu?

My reason to go there was as I read around Ramu in our  text when I was  serving my primary instruction. Can’t flash back  exactly which grade I was at that time. It was kind of filling the nonage dream  position to  know. The  admittance of the temple has a  veritably cultural  rosy gate that has an Asian  phraseology. You could  know the stuffed artwork of Buddha itself (also a dragon) on that facade. We did n’t need any entry  figure that time( or  perhaps, I forgot). These days they charge a little for the entry.  

What happened to Ramu in 2012?

Note During the time 2012 some bad  episode happened in this Buddhist temple( i.e.  involving torching).  utmost of the  corridor of the  tabernacle were  bloodied  oppressively. I do not  see how  important we've  recreated after that.

How to Go to Ramu?

You can reach Ramu by original  motorcars or any rented  instruments from Cox’s Bazar  city. It'll take only 30 minutes at maximum to reach there. You ’ll  detect a  tabernacle at the top of a fragile hillock. The GPS  match of the temple is( 21 ° 24 ’09.5 ″ N, 92 ° 06 ’42.4 ″ E). After visiting the Ramu buddhist  tabernacle you could go ahead to  know the Dulhazra safari demesne.

Where to stay during  trip to Ramu?

Cox’s Bazar is the most busiest  sightseer destination from Bangladesh. There are  multitudinous hotels around the  town which can accommodate hundreds of thousands of callers. Look for the list of  hospices in Cox’s Bazar then. That’s why after visiting Ramu it would be wise to stay in Cox’s bazar city. 

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