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HSC English First Paper English For Today - Unit 12 Lesson 2 The Greta Effect

Baitul Mukarram the National Mosque of Bangladesh

Baitul Mukarram the National  Mosque of Bangladesh

Baitul Mukarram the National  Mosque of Bangladesh
Baitul Mukarram the National  Mosque of Bangladesh

Baitul Mukarram yard- the National  Mosque of Bangladesh
Baitul Mukarram Yard - the National  Mosque of Bangladesh

Where is the Baitul Mukarram situated?

The  public mosque of Bangladesh, Baitul Mukarram, is  positioned in the heart of the busy  megacity of Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. Dhaka is the largest  megacity in Bangladesh with a population of 16 million. It's also one of the most vibrant  metropolises in the world.

What's the necessity of mosque?

Followers of the Islamic faith  hold a mosque to be the primary place of  worshipping where Muslims gather together for prayer. Mosques reflect traditional Islamic armature and are  honored world-wide for their  significance to the Muslim community. In addition to the  momentousness, mosques have with regard to  worshipping and prayer, they also serve as places to learn about Islam and to meet fellow religionists. With this in mind, it's clear that Baitul Mukarram, being the  public mosque of Bangladesh, is of significant  significance to Muslims in the area.

What was the need of Baitul Mukarram?

Due to the  rapid-fire growth of the  megacity of Dhaka in the late 1950s, the need  rose for a large capacity mosque to look out  for the accelerating Muslim population. The Baitul Makarram Mosque Society was established in 1959 to oversee the  design. The land that was  named for the synagogue  complex is close to the central business  quarter of the  megacity and  fluently accessible. The mosque complex of Baitul Mukarram was designed by the engineer T Abdul Hussain Thariani and has several  ultramodern architectural features, while still beautifully conserving the traditional principles of mosque  framework. Construction began on 27 January 1960 and has been carried out in phases.

What's the infrastructure of Baitul Mukarram?

 The mosque complex includes shops, libraries,  departments and parking areas. The main prayer hall has an area of 26,517 square feet with an  another mezzanine floor on the eastern side which measures 1,840 square feet. The prayer hall has galleries on three of its sides. The mihrab( niche in wall of mosque showing the direction of Mecca) is blockish  rather of the more traditional semi-circular design and adorning decoration has been kept to a minimum. The gardens with rows of cradles are beautifully maintained. The architectural style of Baitul Makarram  nearly resembles the  celebrated Ka’abah at Mecca, distinguishing it from other mosques in Bangladesh. When you travel to Bangladesh, be  certain to take time to include a visit to the  impactful Baitul Mukarram mosque in Dhaka.

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