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Alutila Cave -Khagrachhari Bangladesh

Alutila Cave -Khagrachhari Bangladesh

1. Alutila Cave -Khagrachhari Bangladesh
1. Alutila Cave -Khagrachhari Bangladesh 

2. Alutila Cave -Khagrachhari Bangladesh
2. Alutila Cave -Khagrachhari Bangladesh 

3. Alutila Cave -Khagrachhari Bangladesh
3. Alutila Cave -Khagrachhari Bangladesh 

How was the Alutila Cave named?

Bangladesh is land of beautiful nature but there are a numerous caves then. Alutila cave in Khagrachhari District is one of them. Alutila is admixture of two words Alu and Tila. Then Alu means Potato and Tila means Little Hill. The little hill was abundant with Potato that’s why its called Potato Hill (Alutila). And the  cave is just under that hill, that’s why it named as Alutila Cave. And the name of the  locality is  likewise Alutila by chart. In Bengali it called ALUTILA GUHA. Then GUHA means Cave. Another name of Alutila Cave is Alutila Mysterious  delve. Whole area is  crawled with hilly area and top most view of the beautiful Khagrachhari  quarter. And the whole  town can be  effortlessly seen from this hill( Arbari Hill or Alutila) at a  regard  veritably  freely.

What's the dimension of Alutila Cave?

The length of the cave is about hundred  measures. Anyone can move from bottom to highest or rear. Five or six people can move through the  delve at a time  therefore you can idea about the  range and height. Height is  veritably  important variable. nearly it's men height of 6/7 feet and  nearly it's about 10  bases. nearly whole  delve is dark. You need to bring arsonist light or flambeaux to pass through it. utmost of the time cold water is passing from top to bottom of the  delve. So, the inside is  veritably  slumberer that’s why it’s dangerous as well. So,  travelers  should be  conservative. One of our mates slept there but fortunately water inflow was little there that’s why he was safe. numerous species of Bats and insects  dwell around the cave.

What's the  locality of Alutila Cave?

The  site is located at Matiranga upazila of Khagrachari District in Bangladesh. Khagrachari District is the  portion of Chittagong Division and a hilly district of Bangaldesh out of three.  maximum of the people of Khagrachari are indegeneous people. There are some bengali people then in this district as well. From matiranga there are availble vehicle and zeep to reach that  enigmatic  cave. 

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