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Essay: Empowerment of Women in Bangladesh

Essay: Empowerment of Women in Bangladesh

Empowerment of Women

Introduction: The empowerment of women is an important aspect in the concept of both global and national development. Women's contributions are indispensable for social economic development. So, their participation is to be ensured in walks if life. In fact, the empowerment of women includes the feminine rights and state recognition of women by making them self-reliant and decision-maker in all inclusive aspects. So, women development is a matter of utmost importance. Women empowerment and development of women are the two inseparable factors that need to be guaranteed at all levels of state administration.

Bangladesh background: The need of women development and empowerment in Bangladesh has long been felt. To remove gender discrimination indifference to women's fundamental rights and to ensure constitutional equity with males. Bangladesh government constituted Women Rehabilitation Board. In 1978 Women Affairs Ministry was formed to monitor the government steps relating to the empowerment of women.

Women's participation in various kinds of jobs: At present, women in Bangladesh are employed both in low and high category jobs. Most of them are employed in forestry, agriculture and fishery sectors. Even to clerical jobs also women are represented. In administrative function, we notice women's participation, which clearly shows the improvement of women in Bangladesh. Due to the importance and growth of the ready-made garments sector, the participation of women has increased.

Process of women empowerment: Education  is the first and foremost key to women development. For awakening consciousness in women, education is necessary. Women are under the jaws of household maintenance, childbirth and child rearing, but they hardly get the recognitions of their rights. Women participate in the manual labour in the garment industries like their male counterparts and moreover, they work for 21 hours a day which is more than that of the males. Due to family code and conservatism women's rights and entity are neglected.

Obstacles to women empowerment: There are a lot of hindrances to women empowerment and women development. Women are forced to work at low wages in agriculture or other non-recognized sectors. Thinking and planning for women empowerment is not less both at government and non-government levels but the materialization of thinking and planning is still in question.

Steps for the empowerment of women: Preconditions for the empowerment of women are  to change their status and financial condition, and to make them participate in decision-making and controlling affairs.

According to the Constitution of Bangladesh: Any disparity between men and women is strictly prohibited due to religion, creed, place and birth. Bangladesh government has founded Women Rehabilitation Board, Rehabilitation and Welfare Foundation, National Women Organization, Women Affairs Directorate and Independent Women and Children Affairs Ministry for women development and empowerment. The Government has declared female education free upte class 12. Foodgrains and compensation for female students are given every month. To accelerate the process of the empowerment of women in Bangladesh, the role of women representation in local bodies and state politics is ensured. The reservation of seats for women in Parliament has been made. This provision in the constitution enhances the role of women in rural affairs.

Conclusion: There is no option but to making women socially, economically and politically self-reliant and empowered. The empowerment of women is a matter where women will compete with men on equal footing to build up a reformed world of safety and prosperity. Discrimination between males and females will be resolved and coming generation will come across a new greener world.

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