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Essay: Drug Addiction Harmful Effects

Essay: Drug Addiction - it's Harmful Effects 


Introduction: Drug is a kind of intoxicating element that affects the nervous system of our body seriously. Drug addiction means a strong desire for a drug which the addict cannot resist. Narcotics like morphine, opium, morphine, marijuana, heroine, cocaine etc. are used by the addicts. These drugs are used for their intoxicating, tranquilising, stimulating effects. A person addicted to any of these once cannot go without them.

Effect of drugs on human body: Drugs have terrible effects on human body. They may affect the brain and all internal functions of the body. Sudden withdrawal of drug is more dangerous. The addicted person feel intense pain in his body. They start sweating heavily and vomiting. The treatment of drug addiction is expensive and difficult in any country.

Harms of drug addiction: Drug addiction is a curse of modern civilization. Drugs lead young boys ang girls to go astray and thus destroy many valuable and promising lives. The reason why people take drugs are many; some of them include frustration, association, availability of intoxicant, unemployment, failure in love, degradation of religious values, lack of family ties, etc. When a young person falls into a completely distressed situation, drugs allure him. Sometimes young boys and girls come in contact with drugs as of fun and out of curiosity. Drug addiction creates social unrest. Narcotics are very expensive. In order to procure money to buy it, the addicted persons often go for stealing,
hijacking and all sorts of misdeeds. He can, in no way, refrain from taking drugs. He tries to have it at any cost. It helps him see strange things that have no existence at all to him. The drug-addict also does something that ruins the peace of the family. He even steals utensils, ornaments, clothes and whatever he get near him to procure money for buying drugs. So all other members of the family pass days and nights in tension for his misdeeds. The fate of the addict is fatal. An addicted person dies a painful death because there is nobody to mourn for his death. He becomes a burden both for the family and for the society. 

Remedy: The remedy for drug addiction is not very easy but very difficult. Drug addiction is both a national and a global problem. To save our young generation from drug addiction, the government and people of all walks of life should come forward with necessary remedies. Strong measures should be taken in order to stop the production and trafficking of drugs. Strict restrictions should be placed on the borders from where drugs are smuggled in. The police and the vigilant teams should be deployed in the drug-taking places for its prevention. Sufficient clinics with remedial facilities should be established in order to cure drug victims.

Conclusion: Drug addiction is an glaring problem in Bangladesh. It is a poison that causes fatal diseases. So more people, Govt. and non-Govt. agencies, conscious youth organisations should come forward to
combat against it and save our young generation from its devastating effects. Though drug-business is punishable and the highest punishment is death sentence in Bangladesh, this law should be enforced strictly.

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