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HSC English First Paper English For Today - Unit 12 Lesson 2 The Greta Effect

Top 12 Insurance Companies in Bangladesh

Top 12 Insurance Companies in Bangladesh

Best Insurance Companies in Bangladesh

Insurance service in Bangladesh are developing because people of Bangladesh are more conscious now about the security of what they belong. Moreover promising service of some companies has established the trust and people of Bangladesh turn to them with confidence. These are the 12 top insurance companies in Bangladesh that deserve praise and recommendations from people of all walks of life.

1. American Life Insurance Co

American Life Insurance Co is one of the earliest insurance companies in Bangladesh since 1952. Even though the concept as well as the company comes from America, the insurance company has successfully adopted to the needs and expectations of Bangladeshi people and have achieved the top position in the country.

Popularly known as Alico, local jobs creator American Life Insurance Company has become successful in creating confidence among a million Bangladeshis with thousands of agents working for them. All sorts of insurance policies are available to suit everybody’s need and covers in the society.

2. Jiban Bima Corporation:

The Bengali meaning, an official language of Bangladesh, of Jiban and Bima are Life and Insurance. Jiban Bima is a state owned insurance company which provides life and other kinds of insurance services to citizens.

Head Quarter located in Dhaka, Jiban Bima Corporation has branches all over Bangladesh and touches millions of people every day. It has created a wide variety of policies in order to suit people regardless of economic groups that  helped to bring a big success for it.

3. Delta Life Insurance Co Ltd

In 1984, Bangladesh Government allowed private sectors to launch insurance industry and a number of Bangladeshi citizens working abroad started the creation of Delta Life Insurance Co Ltd. The reason why they started this insurance company is that they wanted their fellow citizens to get the top class insurance services in line with the insurance companies in western countries.

Delta life insurance has been working with the same goal in mind, and has become successful in being a large organization today. They have designed policies keeping in mind the expectations of the society as well as the people and this may be  the primary reason for their success.

4. Popular Life Insurance Co Ltd:

Popular Life Insurance Co Ltd started its journey with the vision of reaching every insurable citizen in Bangladesh. There existed many companies, but they didn’t have ways to reach out to all of them. Popular Life Insurance Co Ltd achieved this goal of reaching everyone by designing unique schemes and campaigns to bring everyone under their protection by providing number of schemes which focused on the direct benefits. Popular Life Insurance indirectly provided the protection which is the essential reason why people buy policy of insurance. Hundreds of agents are working with public directly in order to ensure the movement is constantly moving forward.

5. Shandhani Life Insurance Co Ltd

This organization has been operating for 25 years, with an aim of creating a change in the society by their ‘micro insurance’ segment. People or the general insurers may not want to  buy insurance mainly due to high cost. Shandhani life insurance came forward with smaller policies which had been a good start, and would bring them to the regular fold, as they grow socially and economically.

With this focus in mind, Shandhani Life Insurance Co Ltd reached out to hundreds of thousands of poor people of Bangladesh, while keeping the focus on big customers as well. This innovative approach has helped this company reach the top position with a great impact on the society.

6. Meghna Life Insurance Co Ltd:

This company was initiated by many Bangladeshis who thought about how they could participate in the growth of the nation. They decided launch a life insurance company that would be an ideal start and in accordance with their dream, Meghna Life Insurance Co Ltd emerged in 1996. They focused on providing services at the reasonable and affordable price, as well as providing modern facilities.

Their efforts was proved successful  in the next decade because they brought this insurance company to a great reputation in Bangladesh. They work with people from all walks of life and provide services to all kinds of individuals and corporate organizations.

7. Takaful Islami Insurance Ltd

Being a country where most of the people are muslims, Bangladesh’s needs such an insurance company with respect to any investment that may be guided by their religious principles too. Though most insurance companies provide policies keeping this in mind and Takaful Islamic Insurance Ltd specializes in providing unique schemes, which are mostly Islamic in nature.

Takaful Islami Insurance company operates in both life and nonlife sectors. It has established a very effective network in order to work with the entire nation through its officials. This insurance company works particularly well in the individual insurance policies.

8. Pragati Insurance Co Ltd

One of the non-life insurance companies in Bangladesh is Pragati Insurance Co Ltd.  It offers policies such as Accident Insurance, Mediclaim Insurance, Building Insurance, Factory Based Insurance, Home Insurance, Aviation Insurance etc. Depending on the type of the insurance and the way Bangladesh culture supports it, Pragati Insurance Co Ltd have designed their policies so that it is widely accepted well. They managed to gain their success by goodwill and perseverance.

Pragati Insurance Co Ltd company has reached a top position and obtained a credible rating rated by number of financial analysis companies. They invest in the right sectors to improve their value to investors. As a result, it has achieved a top position in the country.

9. Padma Life Insurance Co Ltd

Another successful insurance company is Padma Life Insurance which is considered as  Islamic insurance company in Bangladesh. Padma Life Insurance focuses on Life insurance segment, and has been successful in earning the confidence of Bangladeshi public from all walks of life.

Their plans are designed in such a way that they maintain the security as well as growth aspects. Keeping in mind the need of the insurers, Padma Life Insurance is able to provide the best one that suits the insurers and get maximum returns.

10. Sunlife Insurance Co Ltd

Though initiated by businessmen from various fields, this company focuses on customer security and benefits since 2000. They went public in 2012 and today this insurance company has been operating as one of the top insurance companies in Bangladesh.

What is most special of this insurance company is that it focuses on even the smallest member of the society. Their agents and officials work with all kinds of people to ensure that they are sufficiently protected. This has brought a social change  being it a successful company.

11. Golden Life Insurance Co Ltd

This company has divided its services into two components, one is macro insurance and another is micro insurance. Insurers may select the right scheme based on their needs and requirements. This approach has provided them with great opportunities to grow with full support of public.

The headquarter of Golden Life Insurance Co Ltd  is located in Dhaka and  has branches all over the country. The officers of this insurance company work directly with public to aware them of their insurance needs. The primary reason why Golden Life Insurance Co Ltd has achieved  the top position in Bangladesh is the direct approach to potential insurers.

12. Rupali Life Insurance Co Ltd

Back in year 2000, Rupali Life Insurance Co Ltd was founded and has been progressed from a small position to a large success, the reason of which is mainly due to its strong sponsored support from investors and the passionate work of both agents and officers. Their schemes are designed in accordance with the segments they work on connected well with the customers.

They focus primarily on  promoting local talent. This ensures that the representatives and agents of Rupali Life Insurance Co Ltd will never be a new- comer to the potential prospects. This approach of Rupali Life Insurance has created jobs for the country and helped many unemployed people stay protected helping the society.

They have their vision statement goes like this that they want to be the “best life insurance company of choice among Life Insurance Companies”. This goal works to motivate their agents and staffs, and thus achieved their success. Undoubtedly they have ensured financial security for hundreds of thousands of Bangladeshi citizens.

YouTube video on Top 12 Insurance Companies in Bangladesh

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