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HSC English First Paper English For Today - Unit 12 Lesson 2 The Greta Effect

What is Home Insurance What Does Homeowners Insurance Cover

What is Home Insurance What Does Homeowners Insurance Cover

Home Insurance details

Now is the Perfect Time to Get a Home Insurance Quote

Home is surely your safe haven. It’s the place where you raise your family and create atmosphere that last for a lifetime of the inhabitants. Homeowners insurance can help you protect your home in accordance with your priorities and your budget.

To help protect your home and personal belongings when you’re confident that you have the coverage you need, you can focus on those little time to get a home insurance quote today that matters in your life.

What is Home Insurance?

From the unexpected events, nobody knows how when it happens, homeowners insurance can help protect you. May it be that your home is damaged or your belongings are stolen or someone gets injured on your property, this insurance can help cover temporary housing, repairs or replacement,  legal fees and more.

Why Do I Need a Homeowners Policy?

A homeowners policy is recommended for those who own a home or condo and may even be required by your mortgage lender. You will need separate coverage to help protect your home and personal belongings against unexpected events like damage due to floods or earthquakes. Though nobody can predict the future events, in case the unexpected happens, home insurance can help you restore your life back to normal.

What Does Homeowners Insurance Cover?

We collected some data that can help you determine the homeowners coverage that can best fit your needs and budget.

The insurance covers-

i. Your personal belongings

ii. The structure of your home

iii. Other structures on your property such as garage, shed.

iv. Additional living expenses when you cannot live in your home due to a covered loss

v. Your personal liability or legal fees

vi. Limited valuable items

To customize your limits and coverages to meet your needs, be sure to explore options.

To help ensure your home and assets are appropriately protected, your homeowners insurance policy includes coverages in the following categories.

Dwelling Coverage

Dwelling coverage can help pay to rebuild or to repair your house if it’s damaged by a covered cause of loss. The types of risks that may be covered by dwelling Coverage include:

i. House fires

ii. Severe weather

iii. Damage from plumbing or appliance leaks

iv. Vandalism/theft

Personal Property Coverage

If the personal items in your home that may be damaged or destroyed by a covered cause of loss, personal property coverage can pay you for that, which could include:

i. Your clothes

ii. Your furniture

iii. Sporting goods

iv. Electronics

Personal Liability Coverage

In the event of a claim, Personal liability coverage can help protect you and if you or a family member in your household is responsible for causing bodily injury or property damage to others, it can provide a defense in the event of a lawsuit.

YouTube video on What is Home Insurance What Does Homeowners Insurance Cover

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