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HSC English First Paper English For Today - Unit 12 Lesson 2 The Greta Effect

A Trip to a Village on a Holiday

How to write an essay in English

A Trip to a Village on a Holiday

Introduction: I was born in the capital city. I have been brought up in the capital city. I live in the capital city. But Bangladesh is a big village - a bucolic land of 88 thousand villages. So, my thoughts often wandered about what village life meant. I had been thinking of visiting a village some day or other. And that came true when my roommate, Shafiq proposed to me to go with him to his village to spend the Shab-e-Barar holiday that was at the door. He did not miss to say that his parents and brothers and sisters would be very happy to find me in their midst.

Going to visit: I have never seen what golden Bangladesh is. Maybe, a country is golden in which poverty, illiteracy, corruption, violence, terrorism, toll collection, sky-high price-rise, unemployment and pollution reign supreme as in Bangladesh. But I have had a first-hand experience of a golden opportunity for the proposal of Shafiq to visit his village was, of course, a golden opportunity for me. His home is in a village which is about 3 hours journey from the Saidabad bus terminal of the capital city. We started early on the day and reached his simple home of unadorned beauty, shaded and fruited by various trees creating a peaceful piece of Nature. It was far from my mind that far from the madding crowd a home would welcome me with such a thrill of joy. As we got off from the rickshaw. Shafiq's parents and brothers and sisters came upto the gate to receive me with a warmth of heart that I had never had any opportunity to taste. Then we had a wash at the brick-built ghat of their pond and ate a breakfast with tasteful cakes, fruits and dainties of a village home. The familial affection which garnished the breakfast made it the most unforgettable to me.

At forenoon: Shafiq took me to the village club where his friends, pre-informed, were present. The village boys with unmixed simplicity took me into their bosoms. It was a get-together of joy. I was in a wonderland, delight in which the club-secretary spoke for me a few words of welcome each of which was charged with love and sincerity. The other boys spoke about the various activities of the club which related to their self-improvement and development of their village. I also gave them a neat-little speech expressing my hearty gratitude and overwhelming wonder I felt being in their midst.

At noon: Shafiq took me to their pond, again, for bath. I was afraid, I did not know how to swim. But I had my bath under the open sky- different from the one in the closed bathroom - sitting on the stairs of the ghat, with a new thrill of pleasure, while Shafiq swam and dived and made merry. Then served by Shafiq's  mother and sisters who seemed to be no other than mine. Shafiq and I had our midday meal consisting of courses that were all pure and fresh giving me a marvellous palate and flavour.

The late afternoon: After midday meal or dinner, as one may call it, which I had to eat to my fill under the pressure of the affection of Shafiq's mother, my newly-earned auntie. I had a short sleep or what maybe referred to as a nap. Then Rafiq took me to the beel', a large waterbody stretching in a straight line in parallel to their village and running three miles down to merge in the nearby river. There his friends were waiting with a small boat (dingi) for an afternoon's boating with me. We plied in the beel up and down under the shady sky in the placid environment between two villages of untold scenic beauty with enchanting sights and sounds of nature and the liquid fire of the crimson reflection of the mellowing inclining setting sun. Then we returned home by the narrow, gigzag, delightful walkway through the shadowing village- a new experience too.

The evening and night: It was the evening of 'Shab-e-Barat. I noticed the exchange of sweets and snacks between families and families that showed the tradition of sympathy, friendship and togetherness of the village people. After making ablution. Rafiq and I went to the adjacent village mosque with the azan for Maghreb prayer. The village people, old and young, as well as the children assembled in the mosque in serene and sacred prayer outfits and with a mood of devoted worshippers. We offered our prayer and worship till eleven and Rafiq and I returned home while many of the others came home at their respective convenient times for supper and returned to mosque to pray for the rest of the night. It was an experience of my feeling and discovering myself in the religious way and I made a vow never to forget my religious duties and obligations. We dropped off to bed at about 12:00 midnight.

The following morning: I woke up with the azan for morning prayer and awakened up Shafiq so that we could say our morning prayer in congregation in the mosque. We came back and again slept for long hours until Rafiq's sister, and by now my sister too, Rozina conveyed my auntie's call for breakfast. After breakfast, Shafiq and I got ready to return to the hostel, as our examination was near at hand. I took leave of Shafiq's family with a very heavy heart, making promises to visit them again and again. We reached the hostel at 12:00 noon.

Conclusion: My one day's trip to Shafiq's village gave me an idea of village life. It gave me an experience of a life away from mechanic urban life- simple, sweet, enviable and never to be forgotten.

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