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A Journey by Bus -how to write essay in English

Essays writing -how to write essay in English -কিভাবে ইংরেজিতে essay লিখতে হয়

A Journey by Bus

Introduction: A Journey by Bus is a kind of journey made by a bus  It is highly enjoyable.  The advancement of science and technology  has made bus journey easy and comfortable.  I made a journey by bus last winter.  I enjoyed  it much. The memories of the journey are hard to forget.

Occasion: During the summer vacation, I got a golden opportunity to visit my uncle who lives in Dhaka. I got permission from my father to go to my uncle's house. I along with my brother went there by bus from Satkhira bus terminal.

Arrangement: All arrangements were made properly  before three days of taking the journey. like washing our clothes and buying tickets before a day. On the appointed date, we reached the bus terminal half an hour before starting the bus.

Start of the journey: The bus named Eagle Paribahan started at 8.00 a.m. from Satkhira bus terminal to Dhaka Gabtoli. The bus driver started the bus and everybody felt calm Inside the compartment.  It was a large bus. Almost all the seats were packed. Inside the compartment, I did not find open spaces because, there were lots of bags and luggages. After the bus started running, the supervisor checked the tickets while the passengers were talking, some were reading newspapers, some were sleeping

Description: I greatly enjoyed the bus journey. When the bus started, I got thrilled. I opened half part of the window glass. I looked outside. Our bus was going through open spaces. The road was four lane highway.  I looked at the beautiful atmosphere. All the green fields and ponds, canals that I passed through seemed to me as the blessings of nature. The bus was running speedily  and sometimes slowly to give place to other vehicles. The entire natural atmosphere include trees, fields, bushes, forests running the opposite direction of the bus. I observed newer and newer sights going out of my sight hurriedly as the bus moved forward.

River crossing by ferry: After four hours of continuous journey, our bus reached at Daulatdia ferry ghat. I got down from the bus. I enjoyed the dazzling sight of the river that enchanted me. Our bus went to board the ferry. At the ferry, I found the hawkers selling fast food and other baby food. I bought cake and ate standing on the deck of the ferry. At that time I felt a gentle breeze blowing along with soft heat. The total atmosphere seemed dreamy to me. After about one hour, the ferry reached the Paturia ferry ghat on the opposite bank of the river and our bus started its journey again.

A narrow escape from an accident: Our bus was running fast. The road was clear no doubt. Sometimes I saw some cars and trucks were coming from the opposite side. I was somewhat calm at that time. I felt relaxed, no doubt. I was thinking about different things. I felt a nap. Suddenly, I was alarmed at a jerk. I got fear. I looked outside and I was terrified to see that our bus was about to fall on a road side hole. Allah blessed us.  I Thanked our driver who succeeded in keep the bus safe. All the passengers were praying to Allah for saving us from a serious accident.

Destination: After this, our bus was running slowly. Everyone was in unknown perturbation. The bus stopped at various places and I was passing time in agitation. At 2 pm. our bus reached Gabtoli bus terminal. I got down from the bus. One of my cousins was standing to receive us at the terminal. He greeted us. We hired a auto-rickshaw  and reached our destination.

Conclusion: Our bus journey was a thrilling. One though we had a hair-breadth escape. I enjoyed it much. It will not be forgotten from my memory. I will never forget the journey.

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