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Second Year Honours Examination-2019 English (COMPULSORY) Subject Code: 221109

Second Year Honours Examination-2019

Subject Code: 221109
Exam held: 14/11/19
Time: 3 hours; Full marke: 100

IN. B. The figures in the right margin indicate full marks]

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow:

There is one unpleasant certainty in life: criticism. No one escapes it entirely. And often our careers, our emotional stability, our happiness depend on how we react to it. There are really two kinds of criticism-the gentle, tactful, constructive variety and the blunt, harsh and hostile kind. Controlling our emotional reaction is the hardest. Criticism is a direct attack on your self-respect. So, it is all easy to react with resentment and anger. But this just makes you weaker, you are only poisoning yourself. The first step, then, is to force yourself to be dispassionate. This is never easy, but it can be done. Another way to steady your emotions under attack is to reflect that strong men and women have always been criticised. If your life has any vitality at all, if you are determined  to get things done, you will be able to encounter hostility and opposition. The second step in coping with criticism is to be rational. Examine the criticism objectively. Ask yourself honestly if there is any truth in the criticism. If you are forced to the conclusion that whatever your critic is saying is true, the best thing to do is to admit it. This will silence him. If you agree with him what more can he say? Another rational approach is to examine the qualification of your critic. Is he reputable and sincere? If so, you had better not dismiss his words redaily. Is he spiteful or jealous? Then perhaps you can dismiss them. Dignified silence is often the best reply to slander. Sometimes if the criticism is false and damaging, you must reply to it. But it is best simply to state the facts, not to try to take revenge. Your best defense is your own day-to-day conduct. It is keeping your moral standards high. It is having a clear conscience and living a life without any necessity for deception or lies or for concealment.

1. Write answer to the following questions :.       2x 3 = 6

i. Why is criticism an unpleasant certainty in life?

ii. What is the best way to reply the false and damaging criticism?

iii. How should a man deal with criticism?

Answer to the Question No.1 (a)

i. Criticism is an unpleasant certainty in life because it is a direct attack on our self-respect  affecting our careers, emotional stability,  reaction and our happiness.

ii. Proper and dignified reply is the best way to reply but not to try to take revenge in case of false and damaging criticism.

iii. The best way to deal with criticism for a man  is to  dismiss them. Dignified silence is often the best reply to slander.

b. What is the main idea and what are the supporting ideas in this passage?         4

Answer to the Question No.1 (b)

b. Main idea: Criticism is an unpleasant certainty in life.

Supporting ideas:

i. Criticism often affects our careers, emotional stability and happiness.

ii. Criticism is a direct attack on our self-respect.

iii. We have to be rational.

iv. Damaging and false criticism must not go unanswered.

c  Write down the meaning of the following words in English and make your own sentences with the given words (any five) :     1x5=5

spiteful, reflect, certainty, vitality, readily, determined, dispassionate.

Answer to the Question No.1 (c)

spiteful - unkind: She is very spiteful to me.

Reflect - reproduce : Character reflects our conduct.

Certainty - assurance : There is no certainty of his success.

Vitality - energy: He is a man of vitality.

Readily-quickly: He has answered readily.

Determined-firmed: He is determined to succeed in life.

Dispassionate - calm: She is highly dispassionate now.

d. Write a summary of the passage. 5

Answer to the Question No.1 (d)

Criticism is an unpleasant certainty in life. It affects our careers, emotional stability and happiness. It can be gentle, tactful, constructive, blunt, harsh and hostile. It is a direct attack on our self-respect. To state the facts is the best answer to damaging and false criticism. We have to keep our moral standards and clear conscience in the face of criticism.

2. Correct the following sentences (any five) : 1x5=5

a. He insisted me to go there.

b. Namira gave me a visit.

c  He caught the thief by hand.

d. Do you finish the work already?

e  She was died last night.

f. I am pleased to him.

g. He could not help go there when he heard the news.

Answer to the Question No.2

a. He insisted on my going there.

b. Namira paid me a visit.

c  He caught the thief by the hand.

d. Have you finished the work already?

e. She died last night.

f. I am pleased with him.

g. He could not help going there when he heard the news./He could not but go there when he heard the news.

3. Suppose, you are the Principal of a college. You have planned to distribute relief goods among flood-affected people. Now, make a notice to contribute to your relief fund. 4

Or Write a poster to create awareness of Dengue Fever.

4. Write a paragraph on any one of the following:   8

a. Food Adulteration 

b. Good Manners 

c. Our National Flag

5. Write an application along with your resume to the Managing Director of 'X' Bank for the post of a Probationary Officer.   8

Or, Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper complaining against the reckless driving of vehicles in the streets.

6. Write an essay on any one of the following:       15

a  Violence Against Women in Bangladesh

b. Patriotism

C. Reading Newspaper as a Habit.

7. Re-arrange the words to make sensible sentences (any five) : 1x5=5

a. most of fruits all apples like the I

b. is from greed free and nobody avarice

c. a sin tell to a great lie is

d. that English her not good was told she friend please of trouble my inform

f. are I who know you

g. all is root health of happiness the

Answer to the Question No.7

(a) Of all the fruits, I like apples most. 

(b) Nobody is free from greed and avarice. (c) To tell a lie is a great sin. 

(d) She told that her English was not good. (e) Please inform my friend of my trouble. 

(f) I know who you are. 

(g) Health is the root of all happiness.

8. Frame WH questions from the following sentences (any five): 1x5=5

a. He visits his parents twice a month.

b. It is quarter to eleven now.

c.I could not go because I was ill.

d.Nobody believes a liar.

e. This is Hasan's umbrella.

f. Travelling enriches our knowledge.

g. I have come from Dhaka.

Answer to the Question No.8

(a) How often does he visit his parents? 

(b) What time is it now? 

(c) Why could you not go? 

(d) Who believes a liar? / Whom does nobody believe? 

(e) Whose umbrella is this? 

(f) What enriches your knowledge? / What does travelling enrich? 

(g) Where have you come from?

9. Use articles in the following passage :    1x5=5

(a) --- Sangsad Bhaban of Bangladesh is situated at Sher-e-Bangla Nagar. It is (b)---wonder of modern architecture and technology. It is one of (c)---- largest buildings in (d) ----world. It was designed by a famous architect named Louis I Kahn. He was (e)---- American.

Answer to the Question No.9

(a) The; (b) a; (c) the; (d) the; (e) an.

10. Use the right form of verbs in the following sentences (any five): 1x5=5

a. The man (hang) for murder.

b. If I had a camera, I (take) a snap.

c. I got the work (do)

d. He (lie) down as he was tired.

e. Why you (not come) home yesterday?

f. I let the other boys (use) it.

g. Last night, the students (tell) to vacate the hall.

Answer to the Question No.10

(a) was/has been/will be hanged

(b) would take

(c) done

(d) lay

(e) did you not come; 

(f) use

(g) were told

11. Punctuate and capitalize the following passage: 1x5=5

give me a few grains of corns im dying of hunger said the grasshopper but what did you do in the summer didn't you store up any grain the ant remarked no i was too busy

Answer to the Question No.11

"Give me a few grains of corns. I'm dying of hunger," said the grasshopper. "But what did you do in the summer? Didn't you store up any grain?" the ant remarked. "No, I was too busy."

12. Change the following words as directed and make sentences with the changed words (any five): 1× 5 = 5

a. example (v) b. friend (adj) c. nature (adv) d. infect (adj) e. country (adv) f. success (v) g. divide (n)

Answer to the Question No.12

a. example (v) - exemplify: We have to exemplify everything.

b. friend (adj) - friendly: He has friendly relation with Sima.

c. nature (adv) - naturally: They arrange everything naturally.

d. infect (adj) - infection: He has an infection on his face.

e. country (adv) - countrywise: Countrywise, they are a mix of Americans and British.

f. success (v)-succeed: He has succeeded in life.

g. divide (n) - division: He has made a proper division of everything.

13. Give the antonym of the following words and make sentences with the antonyms (any five) : 1x5=5

a. mobile b. gigantic c. frugal d. admire e. costly f. triumph g. rural.

Answer to the Question No.13

a. mobile-static: Everything is static now.

b. gigantic-small: This is a small picture.

c.frugal- imprudent/ unwise/careless: He is highly imprudent.

d. admire-hate: Nobody hates him.

e. costly-cheap: He has a cheap Mobile set.

f. triumph-defeat: He has defeated his friend.

g. rural-urban: He likes urban life.

14. Translate into English: 5

মুক্তিযুদ্ধ বাঙালি জাতির গৌরবের ইতিহাস। নয় মাস যুদ্ধ করে মুক্তিযোদ্ধারা ১৯৭১ সালের ১৬ ডিসেম্বর দেশকে শত্রুমুক্ত করেন। অনেক মুক্তিযোদ্ধা যুদ্ধে শহিদ হন। মুক্তিযোদ্ধারা আমাদের সকলের শ্রদ্ধেয়। তাদের যথাযোগ্য মর্যাদা দেওয়া আমাদের পবিত্র কর্তব্য।

Answer to the Question No.14

The War of Independence is the glorious history of Bengali nation. Our freedom fighters freed our country from the enemies on 16 December 1971 after fighting for nine months. Many freedom fighters became martyrs in the fight. Freedom fighters are respected by us. It is our sacred duty to respect them properly.

অনার্স দ্বিতীয় বর্ষ ইংরেজি আবশ্যিক বিষয়ের ২০১৯ সালের প্রশ্নপত্র টি উত্তর সহকারে ডাউনলোড করতে নিচের বাটনে ক্লিক করুন


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