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Essay - A Journey by Boat রচনা - নৌকা ভ্রমণ

What is Linking Words Sentence Connectors linkers English Grammar

What are Sentence Connectors or Linking Words? Examples of Sentence Connectors.

কথা বলার সময় বা কোন কিছু লেখার সময় বাক্যগুলোর ভেতর সঙ্গতি বা যৌক্তিক চলমানতা বজায় রাখার জন্য মাঝে মধ্যে বিভিন্ন ধরনের Word বা Phrase ব্যবহৃত হয়। এ জাতীয় Word বা Phrase কে Sentence Connector বা Sentence Linkers বা Linking Words বলে। যেমন- therefore, but, next, in fact, of course, in brief, on the other hand.

List of Linkers or Linking words:

1. ঘটনার ক্রম বা ধারাবাহিকতা বুঝাতে ব্যবহৃত Linking word সমূহ :

- first, firstly, at first, in the first place, at the beginning, in the beginning,

- Second, secondly, third, thirdly, fourth, fourthly, fifth, fifthly.
- in between, in the middle of
- In the end, at the end. lastly, at last, finally, to sum up. In conclusion, to conclude.
- next, afterwards, after that, then

I will be very busy today. At first I have to go to the bank to draw some money. Then I will pay the school fees. After that I need to go to the market to buy some apples.

2. অতিরিক্ত তথ্য প্রদান করতে ব্যবহৃত linking words সমূহ: and, both ---- and, or, either-----or, neither----nor, as well as, too, like wise, also, so on, apart from, similarly, again,

And (এবং, ও) He came to my house and attended my birthday party.

Either -------or (হয় এটি ---নয় অন্যটি), (হয় এইজন ---নয় অপরজন)

Either you or your brother has done this.

Neither----Nor (এটিও নয়----ওটিও নয়; এই জনও নয়---ওইজনও নয়); Neither Ruma nor Rina will help you.

Both----and (উভয়ই) Both Kamal and Kashem speak English well.

Or (অথবা): I will take milk or tea.

As well as (এবং) Rani as well as her sister will visit us.

Not only---but also (কেবল এটি নয

ওটিও): I am very happy with the new employee. He is not only sincere but also efficient.

In addition (অধিকন্তু): Abir has a nice watch. In addition he has a costly cell phone.

Besides/Moreover/Furthermore (অধিকন্তু): The man has a big house. Besides / Moreover /Furthermore he has a new car.

Apart from (ব্যাতিত): Apart from many lands, his father has a big business.

Too (ও): He helps all his brothers. He helps his neighbours too.

Similarly (একইভাবে) You should respect your parents. Similary, you should respect your teachers.

3. উদাহরণ প্রদান করতে Linking word হিসেবে ব্যবহৃত words বা phrase সমূহ : for example / for instance/such as/namely, in other words, that is (i.e): Many birds are called birds of prey, for example/for instance/such as/namely, the eagle, the vulture etc.

In other words (অন্য কথায়): His crazy activities were crossing all limits, in other words he was almost mad.

4. বৈসাদৃশ্যমূলক তুলনা বুঝাতে ব্যবহৃত Linking word সমূহ : Instead, on the contrary/on the other hand/all the same /nevertheless/nonetheless.

Instead (পরিবর্তে): He does not study at all. Instead he kills his time.

On the contrary/on the other hand (অন্যদিকে, পক্ষান্তরে): I always help him. On the contrary/On the other hand he misbehaves with me.

But (কিন্তু ): The boy studied hard but he failed.

Yet/Still (তা সত্ত্বেও): He walked fast. Yet/Still he could not reach school in time.

While/Whereas (অথচ): You always help your brothers. While/Whereas they don’t like you.

Although/though (যদিও): Although/though the man is rich, he is honest.

Even though (যদিও): He went out without an umbrella even though it was raining heavily.

Despite/in spite of (সত্ত্বেও): Despite/In spite of hard work, he could not succeed.

However/any how (যা হোক): You could not do well in the examination. However/anyhow you will be promoted.

All the same (একই কথা): It is all the same whether you go there or not.

Nevertheless/Nonetheless (সত্ত্বেও): He was sick before his examination. Nevertheless/Nonetheless he did well in the examination.

5. সাদৃশ্যমূলক তুলনা বুঝাতে ব্যবহৃত Linking word হিসেবে words বা phrase সমূহ: than, as as, so as, in the same way, by far, similarly, more, most, less, least.

Than (চেয়ে, অপেক্ষা): Asad is taller than Azim.

As as (মত, যেমন---তেমন) Rakib is as intelligent as his brother.

So------ as না বোধক বাক্যে ব্যবহৃত হয়। So---as: Rana is not so tall as her sister.

As---as হ্যাঁ বোধক বাক্যে ব্যবহৃত হয়। Rana is as tall as her sister.

In the same way (একইভাবে): Rahim was a victim of circumstance, Rasel was victimised in the same way.

By far (যতটুকু পর্যন্ত):There were ten boys in the class. Rafiq was by far the best. (of the ten boys In the class)

6. কারণ প্রকাশ করতে ব্যবহৃত Linking word সমূহ : since, for, because, as, why

Since/because/as/for (যেহেতু): He could not attend school since/because/as/for he was sick.

Why (কেন /কি জন্য): I do not know why he is absent.

7. পূর্বে যা বলা হয়েছে বা করা হয়েছে তার ফলশ্রুতিতে যা দাঁড়িয়েছে তা প্রকাশ করতে ব্যবহৃত Linking word সমূহ :

So, therefore, hence, as a result, as a consequence, consequently, eventually.

So/Therefore (সুতরাং, অতএব): He has walked five miles. So/therefore he is feeling tired.

As a result/as a consequence/consequently/eventually (ফলশ্রুতিতে, ফলে): He was absent from the class. As a result/as a consequence/conseqently/eventually he could not bring the homework.

Thus (এরূপে): Adeeb is very insincere. He does not study at all. Thus he wastes his time.

Naturally (স্বভাবতই): He always gets up late. Naturally he misses his first class.

8. কোন কাজের উদ্দেশ্য ও ফলাফল ব্যক্ত করতে ব্যবহৃত Linking word সমূহ : Note : Linkers গুলো এক্ষেত্রে দুটো clause -কে সংযুক্ত করে।

Lest, so as to, so that/in order that/that, so--------that, as much as, as many as .

Lest (পাছে): He reads seriously lest he might fail.

So as to (যাতে: I keep the door open: so as to let fresh air enter into the room.

So that/in order that/that (যাতে): The man is working hard so that/in order that/that he can overcome his problem.

So---that (এত যে): The old man is so weak that he cannot walk.

As much as (এত বেশি পরিমাণ যে): He took milk as much as he could.

As many as (এত বেশি সংখ্যক যে): He ate as many mangoes as he could.

9. শর্ত আরোপ করতে ব্যবহৃত Linking word সমূহ : Note: এক্ষেত্রে Linking word গুলো দুটি clause কে সংযুক্ত করে।

If, or/otherwise unless, until/till. Provided/provided that/providing that, in case, as long as. supposing that once, had, were, should, when.

If (যদি): If you want, I shall help you.

Or/otherwise (নচেৎ, নতুবা): Eat or/otherwise go away.

Unless (যদি না): You will fail unless you are sincere.

Until/till (না পর্যন্ত, পর্যন্ত): Wait here till/until I come back.

Provided/Provided that/Providing that (যদি): The plane will take off provided/provided that/providing that the weather is fine.

In case (যদি, শর্তসাপেক্ষ): In case you fail to find my house, phone me.

As long as (যতক্ষণ পর্যন্ত): Allah will be with us as long as our purpose is honest.

Supposing that (মনে করে): Supposing that you will come, I shall wait for you.

Once(যদি একবার): Once you make a promise, you should not break it.

Had (যদি, শর্তসাপেক্ষে) Had you wanted, I would have helped you

Were (যদি, শর্তসাপেক্ষে): Were I a king, I would help the poor.

Should (যদি, শর্তসাপেক্ষে): Should you not help him, the consequence would be different.

When (যদি, শর্তসাপেক্ষে) When my friend comes, you will please tell him to wait for me

10. সময় ও স্থানঃ নির্দেশ করতে ব্যবহৃত Linking word সমূহ : at that time, there, where, before, after, since, as soon as, sometimes, at present/recently/of late/now, then, afterward, at first/firstly, once, first time, second time, no sooner had---than, scarcely had---when, hardly had---when.

At that time (সে সময়): He took admission in 1995. At that time he was 18 years old.

Where (যেখানে): Dhaka is the city where he was born

There (সেখানে) I went to Chittagong. There lives his father

As (যখন---তখন): As he grew older, he became interested in politics.

When (যখন) I don’t know when the train will arrive.

While (যখন): I was reading while the telephone rang

Before (পূর্বে) The bell had rung before the teacher entered the class room.

After: The bell rang after the teacher had entered the class room.

Since (পরে): It is quite a long time since we met.

As soon as (সাথে সাথে, যেইমাত্র--- সেইমাত্র)As soon as the teacher entered the class room, the students stood up.

Sometimes (মাঝে মাঝে): Sometimes my uncle visits our house.

At present/presently (বর্তমানে): At present/Presently he works in a firm.

Now (এখন): I am watching TV now.

Then (তারপর, তখন): I wake up at 5.30 am. Then I go for morning walk.

Recently (সম্প্রতি): Recently he visited a few European countries.

No sooner had--- than (হতে না হতেই): No sooner had the thief seen the police than he fled away.

Hardly had --- when (হতে না হতেই): Hardly had he reached the station when the train left.

Scarcely had---When (হতে না হতেই): Scarcely had the teacher entered the classroom when the students stood up.

Afterwards (এরপর): He fell ill and was admitted to hospital. Afterwards he died.

11. কোন উপসংহার বা সারসংক্ষেপ প্রকাশ করতে ব্যবহৃত Linking words সমূহ : In brief, in short, to sum up, to summarise, on the whole, above all, in all/in total.

In brief (সংক্ষেপে): He established a school in his village. He also set up a hospital. In brief he Is a kind hearted man.

In short (সংক্ষেপে): He is studious, sincere and obedient. In short he is brilliant.

To sum up/to summarise (সংক্ষেপে): He went to Europe during the last summer vacation. He visited London, France, Italy. To sum up / to summarise, it was a wonderful trip.

On the whole (মোটের উপর): Our principal likes all the students. He behaves well with everybody. On the whole he is a gentle man.

Above all (সর্বোপরি): He is a good teacher and helpful to everybody. Above all he is a good man.

In all/in total (মোট): There are four thousand males and three thousand females in our village. In all/in total there are seven thousand people in our village.

12. কোন কাজের ধরন বা কাজটি কিভাবে করা হয় তা নির্দেশ করতে ব্যবহৃত Linking words সমূহ : as if, as though, how, however, like, as so, by and by, as it were, such---as, such---that.

As if / As though (যেন): He speaks as if/as though he were an intellectual.

How ( যে ধরনে, যেভাবে): This is the way how he talks.

However (যেমন খুশি): You can take however you like.

As (যখন, যেমন): Work as I suggest you.

As---so (যেমন---তেমন): As you sow, so your reap.

Like (মত): She can sing like her sister does.

Such--As/that (এমন যে): Our country needs such leaders as/that are patriots.

As it were (যেন): The camel is as it were the ship of the desert.

13. একই সময়ে সংঘটিত দুটি ঘটনা প্রকাশ করার জন্য ব্যবহৃত Linking word সমূহ : at the same time, at that time, mean while, as.

At the same time (একই সময়ে): He was eating and talking to his friend at the same time.

At that time (সে সময়ে): When you rang me, at that time I was reading.

As (যখন): As I was going home, I met a mad man.

Meanwhile (ইতোমধ্যে): I entered into the wedding ceremony. Meanwhile almost all the guests left the hall.

14. জোড়ায় জোড়ায় ব্যবহৃত আরও কিছু Linking word :

Whether---or (হোক বা না হোক): It is all the same whether you attend the meeting or not.

Rather---than(বরং): togethe rather die than beg.

Though---yet (যদিও, সত্বেও): Though he is rich, he is honest.

15. Linking word হিসেবে ব্যবহৃত relative pronoun সমূহ: who, which, whom, whose, what, whatever, whichever, that

Who (যে, যিনি): I know the boy who came here yesterday.

Which (যেটি): This is the book which I want.

Whom(যাকে): The man whom you met yesterday is my uncle

Whose (যার): This is the boy whose pen has been lost.

That (যেটি ): This is the house that he bought last year.

What (যা): What you said is not true.

Whoever (যেই): Whoever works hard, succeeds in life.

Whatever (যা-ই): I will give you whatever you want.

Whichever (যে-ই): Whichever of you can give the answer will be rewarded.

16. Relative conjunction that ও linking word হিসেবে ব্যবহৃত হয়।

That (যে): He said that he would go to Chittagong tomorrow.

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